The Genre of Rap Music

A lot of people express a strong dislike for rap music, and frankly most of it is trash. The music industry in general is a corrupt Satanic industry that pushes propaganda to lead the world astray and keep them in…

Make Your Own Sparkling Water

If you enjoy sparkling water you can save a lot of money by making your own, and you won’t run out. And this setup will save you money over the commercial products with small tanks and high fees for changing…

Divine Design of the Workplace

Excellent sermon on God’s design of the workplace and how a Christian is to be as an employee or manager. There is also a wonderful explanation of the good form of slavery from early Israel as regulated by the law…

Sierra Snow in 2007

They’re being dramatic with the snow storm that just hit the Sierra in California, so I thought I’d show some pictures from 2007 that show how the Sierra looked during the storm then. The wife and I used to have…

How to Tell A False Teacher?

Perhaps the most telling example of a false teacher and subversive element in the church is when they promote unity over doctrine and joining any church not based on the inerrant Bible, the Word from and preserved by God. When…