Deep Intel on Israel’s Invasion of Gaza
A very good overview on history and status of the conflict in Gaza. And worth noting that nothing is really going to change until the false peace of Antichrist.
A very good overview on history and status of the conflict in Gaza. And worth noting that nothing is really going to change until the false peace of Antichrist.
It’s interesting that we just toured this region of “Little Siberia” a couple weeks ago (Cowboy State Daily article below). We were trying to make it to the forest below Laramie Peak, but the road turned to 4×4 trail and…
To summarize, you’d need to take up the freight capacity of the truck with batteries to put in a full day of work, and battery capacity diminishes with time. And the electric grid is not capable of charging all these…
A nice video overview of Halloween and it’s origins and how it’s not compatible with Christianity. And Paul Washer has a nice message of examination as to whether you are truly saved. And if you want to delve further into…
Brandon Smith is former military, and he has some interesting predictions and analysis with his current article below. I think another tactic to highlight would be another plandemic release possibly framed as a terrorist attack especially with the new WHO…
As the war in Gaza heats up with more IDF troops entering Gaza along with the continued bombing and destruction of buildings with a lot of collateral killing of innocent Palestinians, possibly in an effort to clear Gaza into the…
One of the first things you do when elected to congress is go to a function with special interests where you can mingle and acquire the money to purchase committee seats from the party, and this can be six to…
Electric vehicles are a joke when you dig into the facts, though hybrids have some merit if you’re willing to overlook the maintenance nightmare. And of course, battery replacement and the “sustainability” of batteries for the masses doesn’t make a…
It’s reported two Israeli bases in Eritrea have come under attack. These are very interesting operations with one being a listening post along with a dock facility. Israeli forces deployed at two different secret bases in Eritrea had come…
The United Arab Emirates flag (left) and the Palestinian Flag (right) are below, and both have the colors of the four horsemen of Revelation and similarly organized which are also called the Pan-Arab colors on many Islamic nation flags. I…
A great overview of where we’re heading with digital ID, vaccine passports…. 15 minute cities and travel restrictions…. all for the scam of “climate change”. And they’ll probably have to throw in another scamdemic to get people on board with…
Is Israel purposely trying to instigate a wider conflict to justify an OCGFC war with Iran? Or are they trying to prevent an influx of fighters and weapons into Syria. Attacks at the northern border are increasing and last I…