Category World

Ramaswamy Has Been an Op for Trump

I had a post on Vivek Ramaswamy with a look into his background and how he’s been propped up by the OCGFC as their creation, so he’s an operative. And credit to Adam Curry from the No Agenda Show podcast…

Are You Drinking GMO Yeast Milk?

Here’s receipts on why you shouldn’t believe the hype on fake milk. Now that we know as fact the OCGFC are trying to damage everyone to get them in their medical and pharmaceutical wealth transfer scheme, have the firm conclusion…

Cringy: Blackstone’s 2023 Holiday Video

This investment firm has contributed to the housing bubble by bidding up properties sight unseen with billions invested in rentals. You’d have to think they’re part of the play for the Great Reset where you’ll own nothing and rent everything.…

Propaganda Media Jumping the Shark

This Grabien Supercut taken from the No Agenda Show is a wonderful example of just how extreme the megacorp propaganda media is becoming. Personally, I think they’re trying to fire up violence to provoke conservatives to act in some way…

Wyoming’s RINO Problem

We have a serious RINO problem in Wyoming, but fortunately our Demonrat opportunists have to play Republican to get elected in all but a couple liberal counties. But then they betray voters and the Republican Party platform that only allows…