

How Pfizer Bribes Led to Vaccine Mandates

Let this sink in, Pfizer broke $100 billion in annual sales and spent $2.8 billion on advertising, up from $800 million. Our government spent $1 billion of our tax money to promote the experimental gene therapy as well. And Pfizer…

The Bloody City

Just before Jerusalem was to be finally conquered, burned and destroyed, God gives an indicting prophecy to Ezekiel recounting at least 17 sins they’re responsible for committing in the “bloody city”. God’s wrath for the abominations is to be a…

Was It Really a Good Death? Or Murder?

The UK is a good indicator of what they want to do here in the U.S., and they actually have killed a lot of people with their treatment and drug protocols implemented in hospitals during COVID. The corporate takeover of…

Israel Will See Christ Face to Face Again

Ezekiel 20 below has God give the history of rebellious Israel who rejected Him for idols, worshiping demons, and sacrificing their children among many other abominations. God had to wipe out a generation in the wilderness after rescuing them from…

Will Children Be Raptured With the Church

In Christian theology it is believed that until a child reaches the age of maturity or accountability, they are covered by the grace of God as a believer. God gives us creation and our conscience to know that God exists…