

God’s Warning to False Teachers

A prophet was one who God gave direct revelation, who spoke literally the words from God as recorded in our scripture today. This was a man that was to have been affirmed by making future predictions that only God could…

Wyoming Passes Bill to Protect Private Keys

The cryptocurrency friendly Wyoming passes law to protect citizens from being compelled to provide private keys whether for cryptocurrency wallets, digital IDs or privately secured data. Once they have your private key they have access to whatever it secured unless…

Practicing Honesty and Justice is to Know God

This wonderful section from Jeremiah makes the wonderful point that to practice what God delights in, honesty and justice, is to know God. But there is also the warning for Judah and their king that if they don’t turn back…

OpenGD77 Firmware Project Is Alive for New Radios

With the chip shortages some of the radios that the OpenGD77 firmware supported changed to an unbranded clone and the firmware would not work. Thanks to Roger Clark, VK3KYY, and Colin Durbridge, G4EML, they figured out why the firmware wouldn’t…

Urgent Warning to America

How long do you think you can fill the world with evil and God will not act? Take the lesson of Judah who God was patient with for the sake of his servant David, but eventually received in full the…

Dangerous mRNA Vaccine Contaminants Were Just Discovered

A very interesting write up with background on how bacteria, both good and bad, could be involved in Covid-19, and gene therapy adverse effects. There is also some interesting information on the negative consequences of antibiotic use. And there are…

The Potter and the Clay

God applies the example of the potter and the clay, as nations are clay in the hands of God to be shaped or dashed to pieces as He wills. Consequently, only Israel and Judah had promises by God regarding restoration…