

Putin: “I Have a Sberdream”

We are led to believe Putin and Russia are opposed to the OCGFC, Owners and Controllers of Global Financialized Capital, and the plans of the WEF, but they are implementing the same agenda and just look at the ties to…

What “Cash for Clunkers” Was Really All About

An interesting article on the program that used $3 billion of taxpayer money buying 677k vehicles, along with the fact that they damaged and scrapped them. They were trying to bring it back in 2022 with $392 billion, but it…

How Your DNA Is Being Used Against You

The OCGFC have shown themselves to be eugenicists and evil, so you’d have to figure they’re collecting as much human DNA as they can into a database that can be used to evolve the human race as they plainly state.…

The Day of the Lord Will Come

This is the last written words from the Apostle Peter before his crucifixion, and there are some wonderful truths here. Perhaps the most pertinent for the rejecters of God is that God is patient with the world, not unleashing His…