A nice reminder that Russia, contrary to their talk at times, is pursuing the same goals as the western OCGFC, Owners and Controllers of Global Financialized Capital. And really this is all to implement the Antichrist system for complete control of who can buy and sell, requiring worship of the Beast, Antichrist. And I don’t think the current technology is sufficient for a true AI system, so something implemented by or controlled by the fallen angels in control of the world within limits set by God. Consequently, this reminds me of a chicken restaurant we went into while driving through Greeley, CO that had an ordering kiosk with no person to take your order, and I couldn’t get past this greasy fingerprinted touchscreen so we just left (and I like to use cash and not my credit card at restaurants). And it looks like even though there is a robot, you’re still ordering by touchscreen. Worth noting that this ramped up in California when they passed that ridiculous minimum wage bill for restaurant workers that cut a lot of jobs (funny how Demonrats say they’re helping while actually doing harm, just like when they implemented rent control in California which made all the landlords raise their rents).
Sirius, a municipality near Sochi billed as “the future of Russia”, will accelerate “digital transformation” in markets and restaurants
By Edward Slavsquat

The Sirius Federal Territory, a former suburb of Sochi, intends to fast-track the use of robots, artificial intelligence, biometric technologies, and the digital ruble in markets and restaurants, Parlamentskaya Gazeta, the official newspaper of Russia’s Federal Assembly, reported on Friday.
Established in 2020 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Sirius operates under an “experimental legal regime”, allowing the territory to bypass red tape and “implement projects that serve as models for Russian regions.”

A bill on the use of AI, robots, biometrics, and the digital ruble in Sirius’ local economy was introduced in the State Duma on February 28. The Russian government can adopt legal acts specific to Sirius as part of the territory’s special status as a “regulatory sandbox”.
Sirius “combines the best of government structures and corporate practices” to develop “breakthrough projects” and “solve the most important problems facing Russia”, the municipality’s website claims.

On the municipality’s VKontakte (Russian Facebook) page, Sirius is described as “the future of the country”—and rightfully so: The territory is home to the Sirius Educational Center, which recruits “the best schoolchildren from all over the country, as well as their teachers and mentors”. Every month, the Center invites 800 children aged 10-17 from all regions of Russia to attend a 24-day program free of charge.

The Sirius Educational Center’s website. Russia’s “most gifted” schoolchildren may be among the first to use the digital ruble, which is still in its testing phase.
According to its website, the Sirius Educational Center aims for the “early identification, development, and further professional support of gifted children who have demonstrated outstanding abilities in the arts, sports, and natural sciences, and have also achieved success in technical creativity.”
In other words, gifted children from across Russia—the literal “future of the country”—may be among the first to experience “digital transformation” in its totality.
Elsewhere in Russia, this transformation is already underway. The country currently boasts more than a million biometric payment terminals, with another million expected to be installed by the end of the year. As one Russian media outlet noted at the end of January:
In the second half of 2025, Russia is in for something more than just another technological breakthrough: A biometric revolution that promises to change not only the way we shop, but also our understanding of privacy, security, and convenience.
While the largescale implementation of the digital ruble has been postponed until 2026, active testing is underway.