Having been forced to be part of the CWA at one point in my life, I can not stand unions. They turn the employee and management relationship adversarial, and beyond taking part of your pay, they spend their time protecting the bad employees that were the main ones who brought them in, also making your work environment more difficult. If I had an issue before the union, I just took it up the chain of command, and those higher levels are not happy when things get brought to them, usually taking it out on the management under them provided you have a legitimate issue (and you put them on notice). And raises were always better outside the union verses the union contracts, which once again benefited the bad employees. Consequently, absent a union management usually takes care of good employees, especially when they are making them look good. And to add insult to injury, the union was always propagandizing the membership to vote for Demonrats and promoting socialism. Also, as a Christian called to work for our employer as though for God, I don’t strike or tell my employer what to do (if I don’t like the situation I find employment elsewhere), and came close to crossing picket lines on a couple contract negotiations that just missed being strikes, where I’ll mention the fear and intimidation being used as a weapon along with vandalism if you don’t go along with the union membership, especially with certain unions. Anyway, we cancelled our Costco membership during COVID with their mask mandate, but I can’t wait to see how their unionization works out (popcorn ready).
By Tyler Durden
In the past, the name Costco has been synonymous with high employee morale and quality of life. The company has been revered as a place to work due to its good pay, stock options and high focus on employee retention.
But leave it to unions to take that and flip it on its head.
Now, “eighteen thousand Costco Teamsters are preparing to strike if a ‘fair contract offer’ is not presented by the end of the month,” according to a new report from Fox Business News.
Eighty-five percent of Costco Teamsters nationwide voted to authorize a strike, according to a Sunday press release. As final negotiations began on January 20, tensions rose with practice pickets held in California, Washington, and Long Island. Hundreds in San Diego are set to join a large practice picket by Thursday, the union said.

Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien commented: “From day one, we’ve told Costco that our members won’t work a day past January 31 without a historic, industry-leading agreement.”
“Costco’s greedy executives have less than two weeks to do the right thing. If they refuse, they’ll have no one to blame but themselves when our members go on strike,” he continued.
Bryan Fields, a Costco worker in Baltimore, added: “We are the backbone of Costco. We drive its success and generate its profits. We hope the company will step up and do right by us, but if they don’t, that’s on them. The company will be striking itself.”
Costco’s website says it “is often noted for being much more employee-focused than other Fortune 500 companies. By offering fair wages and top-notch benefits, the company has created a workplace culture that attracts positive, high-energy, talented employees.”