For one, this is what I did to get it to work, but all these files need to be cleaned up as some of the definitions in PERL aren’t working. I think some of these projects are hobbled together and lack having the code better organized and commented. And properly setup they could all tie back into the css file for easier theming. Beyond the colors I also slightly enlarged the font size to make it more readable. And I might tweak the midnightblue of the Allstarlink stations to maybe a darker purple later.


Backup /usr/lib/cgi-bin/sm_lsnodes and then replace with the following.
# This is the server side code to display Allstar stuff to a client
# side web based sever. This works best with Firefox, also works with
# Chrome. See documentation for implementation
# and use instructions.
# Feel free to change this for your particular application. There
# are many ways to do this and this is just one example of how to
# access and command Allstar.
# See my web page - for more info.
# Copyright WA3DSP, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
# Jan 18, 2014 - Updated to Display EchoLink Calls v1.01
# Jan 31, 2016 - Update to allow simple command selection in form
# calling lsnodes_form.php
# Limit search to exact match
# Oct 2018 - Fixed direct connect '*' notation
# Added host name to registration window
# Apr 27, 2019 - Paul Aidukas/KN2R, Included IRLP info support.
# Aug 15, 2019 - Paul Aidukas/KN2R, Included NNX node number support.
# March, 2020 - Security update - checked for valid node entry.
# April, 2020 - WA3DSP - Removed command link and execution section
# This was done to improve security. To send commands
# use supermon which in turn will call lsnodes.
#use strict;
#use warnings;
#require "";
use List::Util 'first';
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser);
#use Term::ANSIScreen qw(cls);
use CGI qw(:cgi-lib :standard);
my $node = int($in{"node"});
my $command = $in{"command"};
### Validate node number KB4FXC 2020-03-05
if ($node <= 0 || $node > 999999) {
die "Invalid node number";
# Specify the location of SuperMon web directory
my $allmondir = "/srv/http/supermon";
#my $node = $ARGV[0]; # used for test purposes when run from console
# Specify the location of the Allstar database
my $allstardb = "/var/www/html/supermon/astdb.txt";
my $get_connected_nodes = "sudo /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx \"rpt nodes $node\"";
my $get_node_status = "sudo /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx \"rpt stats $node\"";
my $get_my_ip = "/usr/bin/curl -s";
my $get_node_lstatus = "sudo /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx \"rpt lstats $node\"";
my $get_iax_registry = "sudo /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx \"iax2 show registry\"";
# my $get_irlp_status = "/bin/cat /usr/local/etc/allstar.env |egrep -c ^'export IRLP'";
my $irlp_active_file = "/var/log/irlp/local/active";
if (-e $irlp_active_file) {
my $get_irlp_node = "/bin/cat $irlp_active_file";
#select (STDOUT);
#$| =1;
#select (STDERR);
#$| = 1;
my $IRLP_TEST=`$get_irlp_status`;
(my $sec,my $min,my $hour,my $mday,my $mon,my $year,my $wday,my $yday,my $isdst) = localtime();
# Open and prepare database
my ($var1,$var2,$var3,$var4,$var5,$var6)="";
open (ASTDB,$allstardb);
my @list = <ASTDB>;
my $match = first { /^$node\|/ } @list;
my @nodelist=split(/\|/, $match);
# ------------- Get IAX2 Registry ----------------------
my $iax_register = `$get_iax_registry`;
$iax_register =~ s/^(?:.*\n){1,1}//; # Remove first line
$iax_register =~ s/ +/ /g; # Replace multiple space with single space
$iax_register =~ s/\n/ /g;
my @iax_register_array = split (/ /,$iax_register);
# ----------- Get node lstat example -------------------
my $node_lstatus = `$get_node_lstatus`;
$node_lstatus =~ s/^(?:.*\n){1,2}//; # Remove first two lines
if (-e $irlp_active_file) {
my $irlp_node = `$get_irlp_node`;
$irlp_node =~ s/ref//;
$irlp_node =~ s/stn//;
$node_lstatus =~ s/^3(.*)\n//g; # Remove EchoLink nodes from $node_lstatus
$node_lstatus =~ s/\n3(.*)\n//g; # Remove EchoLink nodes from $node_lstatus
$node_lstatus =~ s/^8(.*)\n//g; # Remove IRLP nodes from $node_lstatus
$node_lstatus =~ s/\n8(.*)\n//g; # Remove IRLP nodes from $node_lstatus
$node_lstatus =~ s/ +/ /g; # Replace multiple space with single space
$node_lstatus =~ s/\n//g;
my @lstat_array = split (/ /,$node_lstatus);
# ----------- Get nodes status example -----------------
my $node_status = `$get_node_status`;
$node_status =~ s/^(?:.*\n){1,2}//; # Remove first two lines
$node_status =~ s/\.//g; # Remove all .
$node_status =~ s/\n/&/g; # Replace all \n with &
$node_status =~ s/: /&/g; # Replace all : with &
$node_status =~ s/,//g;
my @stat_array = split (/&/,$node_status); # Split on &
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Print web page
print"Content-type: text/html\n\n";
Body {
background-color: hsl(240,25%,12%);
color: lightgray;
/* unvisited link */
a:link {
color: yellow;
/* visited link */
a:visited {
color: yellow;
/* mouse over link */
a:hover {
color: yellow;
/* selected link */
a:active {
color: yellow;
# Set refresh time
if (index($command,"*") == -1) {
$delay = 60;
} else {
$delay = 5;
print"<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"$delay;http://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}/cgi-bin/sm_lsnodes?node=$node\">";
#print"<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"$delay;http://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/cgi-bin/sm_lsnodes?node=$node\">";
<title>Allstar Connected Nodes and Status</title>
<STYLE type="text/css">
table.status { font-size:.8em; fgcolor: lightgray; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin-left:0; margin-right:3%; margin-bottom:2%; border: 1px solid lightgray; padding: .6em; }
table.nodes {font-size:.8em; fgcolor: lightgray; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin-bottom:2%; border: 1px solid lightgray; padding: .6em; }
th { text-align:left; fgcolor: lightgray; font-weight: bold; height:1.4em; font-size:1.0em; text-decoration:underline; }
div.clear {clear:both;}
div.main { width: 99%; margin: 0 auto; }
div.left { position:absolute; top:90; left:10; width:45%; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
div.right { position:absolute; top:90; left:460; width:55%; height:85%; overflow:auto; }
div.status { width 45%; position:relative; }
div.header { width 99%; }
div.footer { width 99%; }
p.header {font-size:1.1em; fgcolor: lightgray; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin:0; text-align:center; }
p.header2 {font-size:.7em; fgcolor: lightgray; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin:0; text-align:center; }
<div id="container" class="main">
<div id="header" class="header">
# Print page header
print "<p class=\"header\">Status for $var2 - Node $node</h2></p>";
print "<p class=\"header2\">Last update - ";
printf("%02d/%02d/%4d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", $mon+1,$mday,$year+1900,$hour, $min, $sec);
my $ip = `$get_my_ip`;
print " My IP - $ip</p>";
print "<p class=\"header2\" style=\"margin-top:.5em;\"></center>";
if ($command ne "") {
print "Command = ",$command," - ";
print "<a href=\"$node\">View this Node Graphically</a>";
# Print display tables
print "<div id=\"left_table\" class=\"left\">";
print "<table class=\"status\" style=\"float:left\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"440\" fgcolor=\"lightgray\" bgcolor=\"hsl(240,50%,25%)\">";
for ($i=0 ; $i <= $#stat_array ; $i=$i+2) {
#print $stat_array[$i]," = ",$stat_array[$i+1],"\n";
print "<tr><td>$stat_array[$i]</td><td>$stat_array[$i+1]</td></tr>";
print "</table></div>";
print "<div id=\"right\" class=\"right\">";
print " <table class=\"nodes\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"680\">";
print "<tr fgcolor=\"black\" bgcolor=\"hsl(240,50%,25%)\"><th>Node</th><th>Callsign</th><th>Frequency</th><th>Location</th></tr>";
print "<tr fgcolor=\"yellow\" bgcolor=\"darkred\"><td>$var1</td><td>$var2</td><td>$var3</td><td>$var4</td></tr>";
my $nodes_connected = `$get_connected_nodes`;
$nodes_connected =~ s/^(?:.*\n){1,3}//; # Remove first 3 lines
$nodes_connected =~ s/,/ /g; # Replace , with space
$nodes_connected =~ s/\n/ /g; # Replace newlines with space
$nodes_connected =~ s/ +/ /g; # Replace multiple space with single space
my $direct_connect="";
for ($i=0 ; $i <= $#lstat_array ; $i=$i+6) {
$direct_connect .= $lstat_array[$i];
$direct_connect .= " ";
my @array = split (/ /,$nodes_connected);
my $count = 1;
foreach my $nodenum (@array) {
$nodenum = substr($nodenum,1,10);
if (looks_like_number($nodenum)) {
if ($nodenum >= 600000) {
$nodenum = int(substr($nodenum,1,10));
my $get_echo_call = "sudo /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx \"echolink dbget n $nodenum\"";
$echo_data = `$get_echo_call`;
my @echo_array = split (/\|/, $echo_data);
($n,$c,$i) = @echo_array;
if ($c eq "") {
$c = "No-Info";
$nodenumR = $nodenum;
if (index($stat_array[43],$nodenum) != -1) {
$nodenumR = $nodenum . "*";
print "<tr fgcolor=\"lightgray\" bgcolor=\"darkslateblue\"><td>$nodenumR</td><td>$c</td><td>EchoLink</td><td>-----</td></tr>";
# IRLP information - Paul Aidukas KN2R - 2014:
} elsif ($nodenum >= 80000 && $nodenum < 90000) {
$nodenumR = $nodenum;
$nodenum = substr($nodenum,1,10);
if ($IRLP_TEST > 0) {
if ($IRLP eq "enabled") {
chomp($IRCall=`cat /var/log/irlp/vutil_calls |grep -e ^"$nodenum," |cut -d "," -f2`);
chomp($IRLoc=`cat /var/log/irlp/vutil_calls |grep -e ^"$nodenum," |cut -d "~" -f3-5 |sed 's/~/, /g'`);
if ($nodenum < 1000) {
$IRDesc="IRLP Experimental $nodenum";
if ($nodenum >= 1000 && $nodenum <= 8999) {
$IRDesc="IRLP Node $nodenum";
if ($nodenum >= 9000) {
$nodenum2 = substr($nodenum,0,3) . "0";
if ($IRCall eq "") { $IRCall="REF$nodenum" }
if ($IRLP eq "enabled") {
chomp($IRDesc=`cat /var/log/irlp/vutil_calls |grep -e ^"$nodenum2," |cut -d "~" -f3 |sed 's/~/, /g'`);
if ($IRDesc eq "") { $IRDesc="Reflector $nodenum" }
$IRDesc="IRLP $IRDesc";
if ($IRLP eq "enabled") {
chomp($IRLoc=`cat /var/log/irlp/vutil_calls |grep -e ^"$nodenum2," |cut -d "~" -f4-5 |sed 's/~/, /g'`);
if (index($stat_array[43],$nodenum) != -1) {
$nodenumR = $nodenum . "*";
} elsif (index($direct_connect,$nodenum) != -1) {
$nodenumR = $nodenum . "*";
} else {
$nodenumR = $nodenum;
print "<tr color=\"lightgray\" background-color=\"hsl(240,25%,12%)\"><td>$nodenumR</td><td>$IRCall</td><td>$IRDesc</td><td>$IRLoc</td></tr>";
} else {
my $match = first { /^$nodenum\|/ } @list;
@nodelist=split(/\|/, $match);
# if (index($stat_array[43],$nodenum) != -1) {
if (index($direct_connect,$nodenum) != -1) {
$var1 = $var1 . "*";
if ($match=="") {
print "<tr fgcolor=\"lightgray\" bgcolor=\"midnightblue\"><td>$nodenum</td><td>No-Info</td><td>Node not in database</td><td>-----</td></tr>";
} else {
print "<tr fgcolor=\"lightgray\" bgcolor=\"midnightblue\"><td>$var1</td><td>$var2</td><td>$var3</td><td>$var4</td></tr>";
} elsif ($nodenum !~ /NONE/) {
# if (index($stat_array[43],$nodenum) != -1) {
if (index($direct_connect,$nodenum) != -1) {
$var1 = $var1 . "*";
print "<tr fgcolor=\"lightgray\" bgcolor=\"darkslategray\"><td>$var1</td><td>$nodenum</td><td>IaxRpt, Web Txcvr, or Phone Portal</td><td>-----</td><td>";
} else {
print "<tr fgcolor=\"lightgray\" bgcolor=\"darkslategray\"><td>$var1</td><td>$nodenum</td><td>IaxRpt, Web Txcvr, or Phone Portal</td><td>-----</td><td>";
print "</tr></table>";
print "<table class=\"nodes\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"680\" fgcolor=\"lightgray\" bgcolor=\"#000000\">";
print "<tr><th>Node</th><th>Peer</th><th>Reconnects</th><th>Direction</th><th>Connect Time</th><th>Connect State</th></tr>";
for ($i=0 ; $i <= $#lstat_array ; $i=$i+6) {
print "<tr><td>$lstat_array[$i]</td><td>$lstat_array[$i+1]</td><td>$lstat_array[$i+2]</td><td>$lstat_array[$i+3]</td><td>$lstat_array[$i+4]</td><td>$lstat_array[$i+5]</td></tr>";
print "</tr></table>";
print "<table class=\"nodes\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"680\" fgcolor=\"white\" bgcolor=\"#000000\">";
print "<tr><th>Registry <i> IP:Port</i></th><th>Registry <i>Host FQDN</i></th><th>(Group/)Node(#Port)</th><th>State</th></tr>";
for ($i=0 ; $i <= $#iax_register_array ; $i=$i+6) {
my $reg_ip = $iax_register_array[$i];
$reg_ip =~ s/\:.*//;
my $reg_host = `/usr/bin/dig +short -x $reg_ip`;
$reg_host =~ s/^[^\n]*\n//g;
print "<tr><td>$iax_register_array[$i]</td><td>$reg_host</td><td>$iax_register_array[$i+2]</td><td>$iax_register_array[$i+5]</td></tr>";
print "</table>";
print "<div class=\"clear\">";
print "</div>";
sub ltrim { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/^\s+//; return $s };
sub rtrim { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/\s+$//; return $s };
sub trim { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return $s };