Two very interesting statements in this short video, Bill Gates saying “we just need to mess around” and “there are a lot of lipid nanoparticles, and some are self assembling”. Along with “makeing the mRNA is really easy and really cheap, and that’s the magic of this thing” (remember the DNA contamination found in the gene therapies under electron microscope). If you let these OCGFC cretins, their megacorp spokes holes, and compromised “medical experts” convince you to be a guinea pig, you’re placing your life in danger. And Bill Gates has a history along with his father in eugenics, so they’re more concerned with population control then preserving life. And Bill Gates has a lot of well documented history causing death, infertility and disability with his vaccine projects in other parts of the world. So why is he so prominent in medicine? And why do the other OCGFC protect him if they’re not onboard with his nefarious schemes?