Are Self-Amplifying mRNA “Vaccines” Next-Generation Bioweapons?

It’s been well documented that the first mRNA gene therapies were inadequately tested and many have died and been disabled through just heart damage alone not to mention neurological harm and immune system damage causing turbo cancers… So the premise to have your body create the toxic spike protein to flood your body was poorly thought out in the first place not to mention what chemicals are used in the gene therapy to penetrate cells… But look at the new sa-mRNA gene therapy approved in Japan with minimal participants in the safety study and no control group, and you’d have to deduce they know a proper study would not show a beneficial result. And through COVID we’ve learned that the white coats and everything above them in government to the medical and pharmaceutical megacorps are not to be trusted, as the practice of medicine has been overrun with corporate orders and protocols under pharma megacorp control, and doctors can’t deviate even if the protocols or pharmaceuticals are harmful. And remember how they used the government and megacorps to force employees to take a highly experimental gene therapy while showing they wanted vaccine passports and forced vaccination of everyone, with states passing laws to allow quarantine camps and forced vaccinations. It’s all far from over, but will you take the next one?

As ZeroHedge reported, approval was given despite the Phase 3 trial, funded by the Japanese government, only testing the product on 838 people, with no control group.  Additionally, the results of the trial have not been published; the manuscript is “in preparation,” according to the Phase 3 study report. Much like the original COVID injections, the “vaccine” requires 2 doses, with the second being administered 28 days after the first, as well as booster injection/s for adults 18 years and older.

by Mac Slavo

(SHTF Plan)—Self-amplifying RNA (“saRNA”) is engineered to make more copies of itself once delivered into cells. It encodes both the antigen of interest, for example, the COVID spike protein, and proteins that enable vaccine RNA replication. But are these just next-generation bioweapons designed to reduce the population?

According to a report by The Daily Exposé, a company called Meiji Seika Pharma released a statement on November 28th, announcing that it had been given approval by the Japanese Ministry of Health to manufacture and market its Kostaive sa-mRNA COVID vaccine also known as ARCT-154 (or in Vietnam, VBC-COV19-154).  Meiji Seika Pharma has entered into an exclusive partnership with CSL’s vaccine business, CSL Seqirus, one of the largest influenza vaccine providers in the world, to distribute the vaccine.

Japan has now become the first country in the world to approve these new self-amplifying mRNA (“sa-mRNA”) vaccines. With the approval of this “vaccine” secured in Japan, its developers are now seeking authorization in Europe; a regulatory decision is expected next year.

As ZeroHedge reported, approval was given despite the Phase 3 trial, funded by the Japanese government, only testing the product on 838 people, with no control group.  Additionally, the results of the trial have not been published; the manuscript is “in preparation,” according to the Phase 3 study report. Much like the original COVID injections, the “vaccine” requires 2 doses, with the second being administered 28 days after the first, as well as booster injection/s for adults 18 years and older.

In the video above, Roman Balmakov explained more.

The real question is whether or not these new “vaccines” can or will be used as bioweapons against the slave class.

It is very clear that these “vaccines” self-replicate, so how does the process stop? The simple answer is that it does not. If it is self-amplifying but not self-stopping, then we would expect an unceasing production of spike protein over time, causing continuous and cumulative damage until organ failure results. There does not seem to be any internal control limiting the production of the spike protein. This would mean that the effect of self-amplifying RNA is equivalent to taking repeated doses indefinitely!

That means, if the ruling class can convince the general public to take these types of shots, they could use them as a bioweapon and let them slowly take out those injected.