Putin: “I Have a Sberdream”

We are led to believe Putin and Russia are opposed to the OCGFC, Owners and Controllers of Global Financialized Capital, and the plans of the WEF, but they are implementing the same agenda and just look at the ties to the WEF through Herman Gref. Ultimately, all these leaders do the will of their master, Satan, or they would be eliminated because the earth has been given into his hands. So the proxy wars and military conflicts that seem to be about economic issues enrich both side’s military industrial complexes while perhaps jockeying for their own financial interests with resources, pipelines, farmland acquisition…, but ultimately they negotiate through back channels and have agreements on what is permitted. I have a previous post about Putin being a WEF YGL who is visited by the Rockefeller’s main man, Henry Kissinger, and the Russian reporting on the visit is very interesting. So don’t let yourself be stressed and see how much of what is happening is theater, and remember the OCGFC are evil eugenicists so needless killing fits their ends not to mention the money that can be made rebuilding after rubblization.


and it involves transforming “all spheres of life” with the help of Herman Gref

By Edward Slavsquat

source: Kremlin.ru

There are only three things that are certain in life: death, taxes, and Vladimir Putin periodically meeting with Davos disciple Herman Gref to discuss how Herr Gref’s friendly bank will use AI to usher in “a new page in the development of mankind”.

Every year for the past eight years, Sberbank—which is not just a boring old bank, but rather “a whole universe of services [including clot-shot services] for human life”—has hosted a fancy conference dedicated to promulgating the miracle of Artificial Intelligence. Herman Gref says AI is going to make everything safe and convenient and that’s good enough for me.

Putin attended GrefFest 2022 (where he supported Gref’s “pet project” to “ensure broader introduction of artificial intelligence” into Russian society) and apparently he had such a swell time that he decided to return for this year’s technocrat clambake:

Gref and Putin discussing the transformative powers of AI on November 24, 2023 (source: Kremlin.ru)

Putin and Gref inspect some AI. November 24, 2023 (source: Kremlin.ru)

The Kremlin’s website published a transcript of Putin’s full remarks, but here’s how pro-Putin Katyusha.org summarized the Russian president’s recent conversation with Gref and his SberMinions:

Vladimir Putin defined, referring to Gref, the main directions for the implementation of AI: “Just now Herman Oskarovich [Gref] and I discussed how, of course, with the introduction of artificial intelligence in science, education, healthcare—and in all spheres of our life—humanity begins a new chapter of its existence”.

This idea of ​​the head of Sberbank … is based on the “fourth industrial revolution” and the subsequent “Great Reset” according to the patterns of the WEF in Davos and its permanent head Klaus Schwab.

This is probably because Gref is a former (?) member of the WEF’s Board of Trustees who penned the preface for the Russian-language edition of Schwab’s The Fourth Industrial Revolution (2016), which described Schwab’s technocratic insights as “fun” and “useful”.

“This book not only contains not only a systematic, well-structed overview of the main trends of the fourth industrial revolution, but also provides many interesting, vivid and memorable facts. I’m sure the reading will be fun and useful!” — Herman Gref

Gref is such a massive space lizard that even Simplicius the Thinker, the internet’s favorite 5D Chess Grandmaster, is unwilling to deploy his unmatched mental wizardry to spin Gref as a secret turbo-patriot on a top secret mission to infiltrate Davos and record TikTok videos of Schwab sniffing glue:

Sberbank is headed by one of the few people at the top of the Russian food chain that we can unequivocally say is a full-blooded globalist, or mostly so: one Herman Gref, the ethnically German and seeming WEF stooge. He has served on the WEF board of trustees before, though he’s apparently not on it in the post-Covid era, and has been behind attempts to usher in a lot of WEF-initiated-and-designed societal ‘changes’ into Russia.

I just want to reiterate that the above blockquote was typed by a gentleman who wants you to believe that the digital ruble is fundamentally different from other CBDCs and that Elvira Nabiullina, who is possibly one of the top five most hated people in Russia, is a Russian nationalist quietly working behind the scenes to dismantle the Federal Reserve. That this professional Thinker refuses to defend Gref with walls of his famously thoughtful word salad, and instead just concedes that Herman is a “full-blooded globalist”, says a lot if you stop and think about it.

Elvira Nabiullina is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life

There is a famous internet sage called Simplicius the Thinker, and recently he has been thinking tantalizing thoughts about Elvira Nabiullina and her centralized, programmable, traceable and …

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But I digress. Back to Katyusha’s writeup of Putin’s visit to GrefFest 2023:

[Putin] explained what was happening as follows: “Experts call the ongoing processes a revolution, a technological shift, a fundamental breakthrough in the development of artificial intelligence. I have already said that this is generally a new page in the development of mankind.” […]

The President determined the trajectory of the government, the country’s leadership, and the Administration in relation to AI:

In the field of public administration, “generative artificial intelligence technologies make it possible to fully transition to management and automate even more administrative procedures based on data.”

When making decisions, AI will allow: “to speed up decision-making processes, and verified decisions based on big data, and therefore radically improve and change the appearance of many areas that directly affect every citizen.”

In the near future: “urban environment, public transport, public service systems, ecology, education and healthcare.”

Automating all aspects of life is very safe and convenient. And it’s a very prudent and shrewd move by Putin to crown Gref de facto Automation Tsar of Russia, because Gref has spent a lot of time thinking about how to manage people. Here’s what he said on this topic back in 2012:

If each person can participate directly in management, then what are we managing? […] People don’t want to be manipulated when they have knowledge. What does it mean to remove the veil from the eyes of millions of people and make them self-sufficient? How do you manage them? Any mass control implies an element of manipulation.

He was joking, though. He was just having a laugh, okay?

There’s a final comment that Putin made—a rather important one—that we should address.

Russia’s president told GrefFest attendees that “it is impossible to ban AI, it will develop all the same. If we ban something, it will develop elsewhere, and we will only fall behind—that’s all.”


Katyusha.org made a similar observation using slightly different phrasing:

We, Russia, need to lead the process in order to really manage it. But not under the leadership of Sberbank and other accomplices of the globalists, but at the state level in compliance with all aspects of security.

“Technological development is inevitable but at the very least we shouldn’t trust the guy who wrote the preface for Klaus Schwab’s book about how to harness technology to enslave humanity” seems like a very pragmatic position. But maybe I’m missing something?

It has become very trendy and cool to claim that Russia is doing all the awful things that the West is doing in order to usher in a golden age of anti-globalist CBDCs, cattle tags, and clot-shots. With Gref at Russia’s technological helm, who could argue with this airtight theory?

Russia must close the cattle-tag gap!

To defeat globalism, Moscow is reluctantly but responsibly adopting the globalist agenda. There is no way to stop the technological “progress” promoted by Davos, the G20, the IMF, the World Bank, the UN, and the WHO, which is why Moscow must closely collaborate with all of these globalist organizations in order to maintain globalist parity with the …

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We’ll end this blog post with Vladimir Putin’s dream, which he revealed to the world at GrefFest:

H. Gref: […] Vladimir Vladimirovich, I would like to ask you a question. Firstly, what do you think about the topics and dreams that our speakers touched on here. And let me ask you another question: what is your dream?

Vladimir Putin: My dream is that everything we talked about will come true.

One of the last speakers, the new rector, said that we are witnessing revolutionary events in the field of digital technology in general, in the field of artificial intelligence.

I don’t want to give definitions now, but it is clear that a revolution is some kind of sharp breakdown of old norms, rules, orders, a transition, as they say now, to completely new platforms, to new laws for the life society and the individual. Of course, we don’t need any sudden changes or turning points here, we need evolution. But it must be organized quickly, efficiently, efficiently at all levels: at the business level, at the municipal level, at the level of the subject of the Federation, federal authorities, in all spheres of life. We need to strive for this. And we must concentrate all our intellectual, administrative, and financial resources on this if we want to ensure the future of the country.


Sorry for shouting.