This is a long and well done article with a lot of images and formatting, so best to read the source. But a couple points is the unethical use of an aluminum adjuvant in the placebo not disclosed to the participants in the study, and the lamb study that showed more aggressive behavior linked to aluminum adjuvant. It just goes to show you the white coats are sold out to the megacorp pharmaceutical companies and they will harm or kill you given the opportunity. And the toxic load they’re giving to children is greatly harming their development and it’s been shown children that aren’t exposed to the excessive vaccine schedule are much healthier.
In fact, a study by Doshi et al. found that participants in the Gardasil trials were not adequately informed that the placebo was amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate (AAHS). The trial participants were told they could receive a “placebo” without being informed of noninert ingredients (AAHS). This raises serious ethical concerns about the trial conduct.
Sheep Study Identifies the Problem
Dr. Lluis Lujan, an associate professor of veterinary pathology at the University of Zaragoza in Spain, conducted a sheep study to determine the cause of the unusual diseases.
A total of 21 sheep were assigned into three groups (red, yellow, and green) with seven in each group as follows:
1. The red group received commercial sheep vaccines containing aluminum hydroxide.
2. The yellow group received the equivalent dose of aluminum dissolved in water (Alhydrogel®, an aluminum-based adjuvant).
3. The green group was administered a neutral saltwater solution.
Surprisingly, both the animals from the red and yellow groups became significantly more aggressive and showed more stereotypes and higher stress.
Sheep from the red and yellow groups became significantly more aggressive.
The detected level of aluminum found in the lymph nodes in the lumbar spinal cord was much higher in both the aluminum-only (yellow) and the vaccine group (red) compared with the control group, indicating that aluminum created an extra burden needing to be processed by the sheep.
This explained the phenomenon that the sheep illness occurred only after the aluminum was added to the vaccine as an adjuvant. “So for me, yes—the reason why the animals get sick after vaccination is how the body deals with aluminum,” Dr. Lujan stated in a documentary film “Under the Skin,” available on Epoch TV.
The idea is not only about sheep. We are looking for something that could be happening in humans.