A Different Way to Look at Immigration Numbers

The way the world is growing unhinged and coming after children really points to God extracting His church to start the 7 year tribulation period, where He judges the world before Jesus Christ returns for His Millennial Kingdom to rule from Jerusalem in a perfect world system that is just and righteous. Typically we think immigration is about voters and solidifying control for a liberal political faction, but what if the wars, famines, economic destruction… that cause immigration and the incredible push for countries to accept more is about replacing all of God’s children that will removed from the world and spared from the judgement to come. The chart below shows the top countries for total Immigrants with percentage of population, and they’re quite staggering (Emigrants are those that left the country for another).


And the one world government precursor of the European Union, with unelected bureaucrats telling member nations what to do is forcing them to receive immigrant quotas with the threat of fines. This has been too organized an effort worldwide to cause and encourage more immigration.

Conservative European parties, as well as governments like Poland’s, are launching various measures to push back against a new EU law that will lead to forced migrant relocations across Europe. The law could particularly affect nations such as Hungary and Poland that have been traditionally opposed to mass immigration, but other conservative parties from countries like Germany and Austria are also calling for referendums and other actions against the EU’s migrant quota scheme.


There is debate about how many people have actually been reconciled to God as there are many false churches, human works based churches, and human works based false religions. It could be the numbers of those extracted might not be as many as expected, but looking at these numbers as a percentage of population it could very well be a fit. And of course, the final Antichrist will have a one world government to run and he’ll need things to continue on without too much of a hiccup. So as you consider immigration numbers, think of it in the context of the upcoming rapture of Christ’s church.