I’m not a lawyer and haven’t read the actual law, which I’m sure is pretty abstruse, but it does appear that the whole Tik Tok hearings and all the rhetoric is just an excuse to pass legislation to further erode our freedoms. There are claims that you could run afoul of the federal government just for using a VPN and accessing foreign sites or services, with civil forfeitures, fines and prison time possible. And I’d bet this gives the government the right to break into and monitor your devices without warrant and due process based on their arbitrary decisions. Consequently, the book 1984 which used to look pretty severe, is starting to look like it didn’t really capture just how insidious the panopticon they’re building will be.
And worth pointing out, when prosecuted federally there have been numerous accounts where a federal judge prohibited a defendant from putting forth their legitimate legal defense. One such case was Leonard Peltier documented in the book In the Spirit of Crazy Horse, where two of the Native Americans were tried and allowed to put on their defense and acquitted having admitted firing on the federal officers in self defense, but Peltier was tried in federal court and prohibited by a federal judge from putting on the same defense, then convicted and sentenced to life in prison. Another such case was the Silk Road admin Ross Ulbricht who claimed he was one of many Dread Pirate Roberts admins for the dark web market, but was prosecuted as the site creator and prohibited from putting forth his case by a federal judge as well as sequestered away in federal prison. And worth pointing out a federal agent involved in that case was later prosecuted for stealing Bitcoin and not allowed to be referenced in court for Ulbricht’s case. Suffices to say, if you’re Christian, conservative, against the grooming of children and normalizing the homosexual lifestyle and gender madness, against abortion….. being before federal agents and judges is a precarious place to be, and expecting justice to be served might be illusionary.