(Breaking) CDC: Alarming Autism Rate Worsens…Now at Least 1 in 36 Eight Yr Olds

Let that sink in for a minute, that 1 in 36 eight year olds have some form of autism. Not only are they reaping huge profits from the childhood vaccine schedule, but they’re also making money on the pharmaceuticals they’re now selling to deal with the damage they’re responsible for. The people who run these pharmaceutical corporations are a sick and evil bunch with seared and dead consciences. Consequently, you should be worrying about the other pharmaceuticals they’re selling to you, especially if created within the last couple decades as they’ve thoroughly corrupted the government regulatory system.

Autism has been a constant source of controversy since government studies and scientists first linked the disorder to childhood vaccinations as the autism epidemic exploded in the late 90s. The epidemic surged at the same time the childhood vaccine schedule tripled and children began to routinely get more and more doses. The vaccine industry is forecast to be a $125+ billion a year business in 2028. Any vaccine that makes it on the annual recommended schedule is an instant blockbuster in terms of sales.

Vaccine makers use a legal loophole that allows them to advertise without disclosing side effects and risks. All other prescription medicines must mention at least some side effects in ads. Several years ago, the FDA said it was examining the practice of vaccine makers failing to be forthright about adverse events, but the agency has not taken steps to change it. In fact, the widespread advertising of vaccines with no side effects disclosed became even more prevalent with the Covid vaccines even as potentially deadly adverse events were identified.

Vaccines have never been tested for safety and effectiveness in the way they are administered in the real world, with many given in combination with other vaccines and medicines, and to children with a wide range of predispositions that can affect their ability to successfully handle the immune challenges posed.

For years, pharmaceutical interests have fought an unprecedented campaign to censor and manipulate news media coverage, medical school teachings, government actions, and scientific research in order to discourage research and reporting on the vaccine-autism link. They created the term “anti-vaccine,” and often incorrectly apply it to people asking reasonable questions about vaccine safety, to scientists who unearth vaccine safety issues, and to parents of vaccine-injured children.

Over time, the government has acknowledged in court cases, filings, and studies that there is a link between vaccines and autism in some children. However, government and public health officials often deny this is the case when speaking publicly.

In a landmark case, the government secretly paid the family of a vaccine-injured child who got autism as a result of her vaccinations; then conspired to keep the case sealed so other parents wouldn’t know, and continued to publicly deny any vaccine-autism links.
