Things Are Getting Very Sustainable

In case you’re not aware, Russia isn’t the rebel to the globalist elite you might think. WEF bond villain Klaus Schwab has called Putin one of his Young Global Leaders. They’re doing the same one world government things the west are doing, even having had vaccine mandates and trying to bring in vaccine passports. You’d have to think that the globalist elites and Putin are in collusion with wiping out a generation of Ukrainian young men and lowering the world population through one of their favorite ways, war, which can be profited upon quite nicely with arms sales, rebuilding contracts, cheap asset acquisition… and you’re knocking down the global population which is a goal for eugenicists.

The ESG Alliance, founded by Schwab disciple Herman Gref, continues to wrap its sustainable tentacles around Russia.

The Alliance recruited four new members at the end of December, including Rosatom (Russia’s state-owned nuclear energy corporation) and Norilsk Nickel.

In January the ESG Alliance released a report examining “prospects for ESG in Russia and the economic benefits of a sustainable business.”

Co-authored by Sber (of course), the study called for “mandatory assessment of ESG risks in public procurement”, “development and implementation of mandatory ESG indicators in investment projects, “tax deductions for private investors in green funds and deposits”, and “provision of state guarantees for ESG loans that meet the established requirements.”