T.D Jakes Says the Holy Spirit is the ‘Semen’ and ‘Sperm’ of God

T.D. Jakes is one of the worst false teachers. He caters to the feminist and rebellious women who supplant the family order, and uses a lot of theatrics and false doctrine. But while humorous because of its absurdity, this is extremely pagan and I’m sure appealed to his congregation. It’s a dangerous game to run a con on people for financial profit while mocking God, and I’m reminded of what God said about seeing the plans of the wicked and laughing, because He knows exactly what He’s going to do with them. What these false teachers do can only come with an extremely seared conscience, pointing to them being in the throes of Romans 1, being judged by God and turned over to a reprobate mind with their chances of escaping the second death extremely bleak. They lack the fear of a holy and just God and will most likely have eternity to reflect upon it. But with God all things are possible, and he could even pull them out of the fire and draw them to Himself later in life when they’re confronted with death and their lack of preparation.

“For it is word that convicts and it is the word that transforms. It is the word my brothers and sisters that is in fact the very sperm of God. It is the semen of God. It is how God impregnates the human spirit, is by his word. His word, his word. The Bible said that when Peter preached on the day of Pentecost, Acts 2:36 they heard Peter preach the Word of God, verse 38: they were pricked in their hearts, they were penetrated in their heart.

It’s not the word that falls on you, it’s the word that falls in you. When the word gets in you, you become impregnated with the Word of God. The moment the word got in them and changed their behavior, they said “now what must we do?” And he told them “repent and be baptized every one of you.” See once the word gets in, it changes your attitude.”


Galatians 6:7–8

[7] Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. [8] For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. (ESV)