Don’t Get Suckered by Trump’s Jan 6th Setup Redo

A Trump tweet is calling for protests when he supposedly will be arrested next week. Consequently, Trump is actually a globalist elite playing a roll in the theater of politics as his daughter is a WEF Young Global Leader, and see below how chummy he is with bond villain Mr. WEF himself Klaus Schwab who has bragged about infiltrating governments with his YGLs to bring in the WEF vision for the one world government. And when Trump first ran for president, it was the megacorp media that purposely propelled him into the national spotlight after he had garnered name recognition with his television show on one of the megacorp media platforms. And he was behind the globalist elite’s “Warp Speed” introduction of the gene therapy poison shot. Moreover, I’ll throw in that he was happy having the election stolen as he didn’t want to be president during the financial collapse taking the blame like the younger Bush did for the loan derivative scandal in 2007-8, as that’s what dementia patient Joe is for. So Trump’s purpose is controlled opposition, to corral those rebelling against the media propaganda and slowing down their transition to a one world government while preventing a real opposing voice from rising up. So he’s no political savior that will restore this condemned nation to conservative and godly values, but just an actor in the uniparty system where both parties march us to the same destination for the same globalist elites. There are no human saviors that will rescue this nation so don’t let yourself be fooled by one claiming to be one, who really failed to bring about any meaningful change when he was president and having had the opportunity, brought in the same swamp creatures he railed against.

BOMBSHELL: Revolution 2.0 or J6 2.0? Trump posts he “will be arrested on Tuesday” and calls for “protests, to take our nation back.”

It would appear that most Trump supporters think this is a trap as well. And that’s interesting in that they still support Trump but suspect a trap and can’t put it together that Trump is in on it.

85 Per Cent of Trump Supporters Think Protesting Against Arrest is a January 6-Style Trap