NTP Will Make Blocked Neurotoxicity Report Public After FAN Legal Action

The government has actively been concealing this report and now only because of court action will it be disclosed within the next couple days. The Fluoride Action Network is fighting hard to get them to stop fluoridating the water which has already happened in most western nations, but currently 194 million people in the United States have fluoridated water. Consequently, I have a post on how to check your local water district along with how to filter fluoride out of your water (along with seeing what other contaminants might be present).

As a result of months of legal motions, subpoenas, and extensive negotiations with the U.S. Department Of Justice (DOJ)–which is representing the EPA in court–our legal council was successful in getting the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to agree to publicly release the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) completed multi-year systematic review of fluoride’s impact on the developing brain. After being served a subpoena by our attorneys, the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)–a branch of NIH–agreed to publicly produce their final report that was intended to be published in May of 2022. They have until March 15th to upload the documents to the NTP’s website, including the monograph, the meta-analysis, and communications between various federal agencies and the NTP about the report.

Click Here To Read The Court Order

This victory will allow the public to finally see the report and accompanying documents that were blocked from being published by the leadership at US Health and Human Services (HHS) in May of 2022. Internal CDC emails discovered through Freedom Of Information Act Requests by FAN indicated that the publication of the final NTP report was blocked at the last second due to interference from the Assistant Health Secretary, Rachel Levine. One email from the CDC’s Oral Health Director from June 3rd, 2022 stated, “ASH Levine has put the report on hold until further notice.”

Our attorney, Michael Connett, summed up this victory, saying: “This represents a major reversal in the federal agencies’ position, and will ensure that the public has access to these critical documents that would have otherwise remained buried forever.”


New Study Links Fluoridation To Hypothyroidism In Pregnancy

And this is probably one of the reasons for Fluoridating the water, make the children easier to control. And if they cause other health issues that’s more money from their medical, pharmaceutical wealth transfer scheme.

A new study led by scientists from Toronto’s York University in the journal Science of the Total Environment linked fluoride exposure with an increased risk of hypothyroidism in pregnant women. Fluoridated water was the main source of fluoride in the cohort. The study also looked at a smaller subset of participants with IQ test results in the children and found that mothers who had been diagnosed with hypothyroidism had boys with lower IQ scores than mothers with normal thyroid function.
