Top Scientists Find ‘Substantial Scientific Evidence’ RF Radiation Causes Cancer

One of the things that has always worked in the favor of the cellular industry was that not all people are affected the same way by phone radiation. The RF causes tissue to heat up and some people are more susceptible as this can cause cancer while other people seem to suffer no issues. This could also have a lot to do with other environmental factors like pollutants/medications… and immune system deficiencies. But back when cellular phones were analog and higher power many people would develop tumors in their heads right where the phone was radiating them and others would not, even among those that used their phones for long periods and often. If nothing else use hands free devices and keep the phone away from you if you need to use it often, and use wifi over cellular data where possible as well as wifi calling if available. Below the quoted article I’ll share frequency and power information.

The scientists — including the former director of the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) — last month published a preprint review of the most recent studies on the effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and RF radiation on different life forms and humans, and the epidemiological evidence for cancer due to RF radiation from cellphone use.

The authors concluded there is “substantial scientific evidence” that “RF radiation causes cancer, endocrinological, neurological and other adverse health effects” — and that the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has failed to protect public health.

They accused the FCC of ignoring the “Precautionary Principle,” commonly used in toxicology, and also the Bradford Hill criteria, a set of principles commonly used in epidemiology for establishing a causal relationship, in evaluating the risks of RF radiation.

For reference, your microwave oven is using 2.4 GHz at about 1000 W, and that’s the same 2.4 GHz wifi band you use at 100 mW (0. 100 W) at home (along with 5 GHz if your router and devices support both). Finding actual data on RF power of phones was problematic and didn’t appear to be included in phone tech specs, as they use the SAR rating of W/kg (Specific Absorption Rate), but some information I found showed ~250 mW for 4G, and ~600 mW for 5G. Below you’ll see that 5G both mid band and high bands are significantly higher in frequency over 4G as well as needing more power as they don’t penetrate buildings as well. And 5G cellular sites can have more than 3 times the RF exposure of 4G sites and why people working too close to 5G cellular sites are getting “microwave sickness“. It’s extremely irresponsible that they’re rolling out 5G cellular with no real studies on how these really high microwave frequencies at higher power will affect health, but luckily they’ve been using the 4G bands for some of the deployments and slower to implement their original intended higher frequencies. Though data speeds will be slower, you can make a good argument for avoiding 5G phones to use a 4G only phone until more information comes out on 5G exposure. And given the globalist elites are trying to harm everyone to get them in their pharma/healthcare wealth transfer system (killing you is acceptable too), I’d tend to think they know the health consequences and are actively concealing it (as the article above shows with flawed studies done by their shills and paid for by the industry).