US Beef Herd Drops To Lowest Since 1962 As Global Food Crisis Intensifies

Disclaimer: Michael Snyder is a bit of a drama king, but he does come through with some facts that are of interest. Also, Michael plugs prepping with his books with an erroneous view of scripture when it comes to end times, so treat his material with all that in mind. But we do know from previous reports that rail fertilizer and grain shipments were reduced (gene therapy mandates reducing workforce and rail capacity ~ 20%) which is leading to lower crop yields and reduced cattle herds. There was also the limitation on fertilizer producers getting shipments reducing what they could produce. Consequently, the quoted USDA cattle report figures give us some insight into how cattle herds have shrunk and why we’re seeing such high prices at the grocery store for beef, and it’s probably going to get worse. We had a brief respite as ranchers reduced herds, but now increased prices should remain more consistent (note a lot of beef comes from outside the country as well). So the globalist elites are getting their way and making meat prices much more expensive, and they’re going to push their alternatives on the population now that prices are becoming favorable. So get ready for them to push bug protein and cancer cell lab meats (yummy) because a malnourished population is sicker, gobbling up their pharma products, and easier to manipulate.

According to the latest biannual report from the USDA, the number of beef cows in this country has fallen to the lowest level since 1962…

The USDA’s biannual cattle report showed that, as of Jan. 1, 2023, there is a 89.3 million head inventory — which is three percent lower than the total from a year ago and the lowest since 2015. Of that number, 38.3 million cows and heifers have calved.

Additionally, there are 28.9 million beef cows, which are those explicitly bred for slaughter and meat sales, as of the start of this year — which is down nearly four percent from last year and the lowest the agency has recorded since 1962.

In 1962, 184 million people lived in the United States.

Today, that number has risen to 331 million.