Endeavour OS – Arch Goodness and the Latest Packages, Desktops

One of my favorites, and perhaps most favorite, operating system is Endeavour OS which is based on Arch Linux. Not only do they have a great installer and community, but you’re also running the latest packages in a rolling release you’ll never need to reinstall. And I’m also running it on a couple of old Chromebooks that have had their firmware replaced so they can run GNU/Linux. The only negative is that you’ll have to reboot often as the kernels and core packages are upgraded regularly. And not only will you be on the latest kernel, but also the latest KDE, Gnome and XFCE desktops. And I’ve found the operating system to be very stable but you should keep an eye on the forum because they do run the latest packages and there could be some manual intervention needed on occasion. So if you want to run the latest desktop and packages, consider Endeavour OS.

Endeavour OS KDE Desktop
Endeavour OS XFCE Desktop