Hobby Lobby and Other “Conservative” Evangelicals are Behind Huge Ad Campaign Using Jesus to Promote Illegal Migrants and LGBTQ Agenda…

I’ve never cared for these deceptive advertisements that are just worldly in trying to promote the modern false Jesus. Like the false church, just concentrate on His love for you and that He’s a genie in a bottle to grant your every wish and desire, and give you good health so you can live your best life. The only way this will ever be your best life is if you’re going to hell, as for believers in Jesus Christ who have repented and turned from their sin, this will always be our worst life because heaven and Jesus await us after death (or rapture) and we’ll forever be with Him. And God told His true followers you’ll be persecuted for my name in this life. Consequently, David Green’s statement below about Christians hating people is false, as Christians hate sin not people and would have all repent and be reconciled to God as our sins were paid for by Christ’s sacrifice, but that is only for those whom God draws as many are turned over to have their consciences seared. But David Green’s own statements from the Morman Glenn Beck appearance shows this is about a movement and control over people.

But in November, David Green, the billionaire co-founder of Hobby Lobby, told talk show host Glenn Beck that his family was helping fund the ads. Green, who was on the program to discuss his new book on leadership, told Beck that his family and other families would be helping fund an effort to spread the word about Jesus.

“You’re going to see it at the Super Bowl—‘He gets Us,’” said Green. “We are wanting to say—we being a lot of people—that he gets us. He understands us. He loves who we hate. I think we have to let the public know and create a movement.”



They say in Billy Graham’s Christianity Today piece that they turn people responding to the messages over to local churches, most of which today are false churches. And this was the tactic of Freemason Billy Graham in that he put people in touch with any church including the heretical Roman Catholic Church, liberal denominations…. This was to get those looking for God put under a yoke of men that was meant to prevent them from entering into salvation and undermine the true church of God. However, God even uses those with false motives to bring people into his kingdom because all things are possible with God. But this was a system of control, much like the scribes and Pharisees were in Jesus’ time and what did our Lord say to those men?

Matthew 23:13–15

[13] “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in. [15] Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves. (ESV)