CDC Confirms 100% of Reported Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths Were Caused by Just 5% of Batches Produced & the Majority Were Sent to Red Republican States Across the USA

This was an analysis of VAERS data which we know might of only collected 1% of the actual deaths and adverse reactions from the Harvard Medical study, but this is very alarming in that it shows there were vials that were deadlier and they seem to have been targeting red states that are a hindrance to the globalist elite’s one world government and the Great Reset. I’d have to conclude that they need to swing votes more in the Demonrat direction and just letting illegals stream across the border to be sent to red states wasn’t getting it done, so they also needed to whittle down Republican voter numbers. Of course, people in red states are also more ethical, so this might just reflect that doctors in red states were more diligent in reporting deaths and adverse effects to VAERS? But there is also the link to particular batches which if nothing else is a red flag that it should be investigated further. And from Dr. Cole’s microscopic examination of gene therapy vials we know quality control was terrible, and maybe they just directed bad batches to red states? But if nothing else, it shows you should not trust these government health officials, pharmaceutical companies, medical professionals…

The top 8 States with the highest vaccination death rate are all Republican controlled red States, and 19 of the top 24 states with the highest vaccination death rate are again Republican controlled red States. Kentucky, Arkansas, West Virginia, Montana, Alaska, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Tennessee all top the list, with Florida placing 20th in the list of 51 states.

By calculating the vaccination / death rate, we’re also able to see that California has actually been the state least affected by the deadly lots of Covid-19 vaccine, not the most affected as it appeared to be at first glance without putting the vaccine death numbers into context.

The numbers show that the Republican controlled state of Kentucky has a 1,900% worse vaccination / death rate than the Democrat controlled California, suggesting the Republican state received 20 times the amount of deadly batches of Covid-19 vaccine than the Democrat controlled state received.

The numbers also suggest that the Republican controlled state of Florida received three times the amount of deadly batches of Covid-19 vaccine than the Democrat controlled state of California received, with its vaccination / death rate 200% higher than California’s.