Ryan Ellis – Switch

A couple of my favorite Christian artists of late, and it’s hard for us Christians to enjoy music as so much of it is demonic. And so many “Christian” artists turn out to be frauds or backslide into the world. Recently, a song from Tauren Wells had me look into him further and see he was tied up with false teacher Joel Olsteen working at his false church. Consequently, I’m a sucker for a male singer with a nice falsetto as I used to really enjoy Maxwell when I was a younger, though he’s too worldly and I have to be nostalgic in order to listen to Embrya, Now or Maxwell’s Urban Hang Suite. But God is providing some young artists that put out nice music for us, and I really enjoy the melding of different styles and even enjoy some Christian metal if there is vocal musicality and it’s not constant screaming. Young people that convert to Christianity still have imprinted on them styles they enjoyed which they adapt with Christian messaging, or just leave out the satanic messaging. And worth pointing out, people walking with God can be incredibly creative and put out some really fantastic music. Much of the worldly music just isn’t good musically or vocally anymore. And the corruption in the music industry prevents the truly gifted from thriving and making a career in music leaving the mediocre to be promoted and marketed into success.

And I’ve been enjoying his Album Lyfe the last couple days to get that Kenzie song out of my head Hulu is advertising mercilessly, which is interesting as music commercials is a new addition with Hulu to join the pharma ads which are quite informative and interesting if you’re a critical thinker.

Another group I’ve enjoyed is Switch, and this song If you only knew is quite deep, especially the spoken word portion. Music is always about your interpretation verses artist’s intent, and this is a soul crying out to God in the early verses before the spoken word portion that equates our worth to what Christ paid for us, and then it transitions to Christ singing to us. And I’m a sucker for a good falsetto.