Wyoming GOP Passes Resolution Condemning Lummis for Same-Sex Marriage Vote

And this is why I love living in Wyoming. Don’t get me wrong, our legislature is full of RINOs, but they have to toe the line because the citizens don’t want their subversive liberal Demonrat policies (except for the Jackson and Laramie areas which vote Demonrat). So Lummis betrayed her voters and followed her globalist elite masters in voting for this bill, and I pointed out what a fraud she is in supporting the Disrespect for Marriage legislation along with her false statements claiming to be “Christian and conservative”. These people are of their father Satan, the Father of Lies, as they do his will in subverting our country. But keep this in mind, there are only 100 Senators, 2 per state, and you don’t get elected to these positions in government with huge political consequences if you’re not compromised and backed by the money interests. Otherwise all megacorp media properties would be employed to destroy you and they’re incredibly effective even if they have to fabricate and lie to get it done. But at least there is political will in the GOP party of Wyoming to call her out and condemn her for her betrayal, and I doubt she’ll be re-elected just like Lyin’ Liz Cheney. And just look at her dead eyes.
