EXPOSED: Globalists Want Everyone Eating Crickets Because Their Exoskeletons Contain CHITIN that Parasites and Pathogens Use for Protection When Infecting Humans and Animals

First we learned you can pick up parasites eating insects, the “healthy” food the globalist WEF wants us to eat in order to save the planet from the non-existent climate change threat, but now we learn their chitin will help strengthen the parasites we can pick up from other foods as well. This technocratic utopia they have in store for us is going to be wonderful.

Internal parasites infect their hosts and can cause serious health detriment, including loss of appetite, diarrhea, neurological damage, and reproductive failure. Parasite eggs hatch inside the insect and can become quite durable inside the host, especially when fed certain food.

Pathogens and (metazoan) parasites that cause diseases in humans and animals use chitin in their life cycles. Many of these parasites contain chitin coats that protect them from being destroyed by the natural defense systems inside the host. Humans who consume crickets are feeding the parasites and pathogens exactly what they need to become more resistant and resilient inside their body, by feeding them more and more chitin.