The Study Behind the Banning of Gas Stoves

I’ll give a hat tip to 2nd Smartest Guy in the Room for bringing to light the Rocky Mountain Institute behind the study of gas stoves and why the federal government is looking to ban them. As I pointed out in a previous post, many of the liberal areas in the country have already banned natural gas use in new construction. But the study gives us the premise for banning natural gas stoves based on it causing asthma in children.

In conclusion, 12.7% of current childhood asthma nationwide is attributed to gas stove use, which is similar to the childhood asthma burden attributed to secondhand smoke exposure [9]. Gas stove usage should be considered in multi-faceted asthma prevention approaches. Given that this exposure is preventable, our study demonstrates that known mitigation strategies will lessen childhood asthma burden from gas stoves, particularly in states with elevated PAFs. Further research is needed to quantify the burden experienced at the state and county levels, as well as the impacts of implementing mitigation strategies through intervention studies.

If anything this is a call for better ventilation and not a ban, but I don’t buy the premise. Looking into the Rocky Mountain Institute with income of $124 million and a budget of $73 million, we find Amory Lovins and a lot of references to “sustainable development” which are code words for Agenda 2030 and the technocratic vision of the globalist elites. Amory Lovins’ Wikipedia shows that he wrote 31 books which is a significant tell that he’s a spook, as the intelligence agencies have staff that write books for their operatives to publish, and books take a lot of effort to write, review and publish. And you can see a whole myriad of other connections to megacorps, government, and the UN. And these think tanks are one of the ways the globalist elites use to get their people on the same page and publish materials to be used for their agendas, as all you have to do is look at their sponsors and how much money is involved.

Rocky Mountain Institute

By 1978, Lovins had published six books and consulted widely. In 1982, he and his wife, Hunter Lovins founded Rocky Mountain Institute, based in Snowmass, Colorado. Together with a group of colleagues, the Lovinses fostered efficient resource use and sustainable development.[10]

Lovins clients have included many Fortune 500 companies, real-estate developers, and utilities.[8] Public-sector clients have included the OECD, UN, Resources for the Future, many national governments, and 13 US states.[8] Lovins served in 1980 and 1981 on the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Research Advisory Board, and from 1999 to 2001 and 2006 to 2008 on Defense Science Board task forces on military energy efficiency and strategy.[citation needed] His visiting academic chairs most recently included a visiting professorship in Stanford University’s School of Engineering.[11]

Since 1982, RMI has grown into a broad-based “think-and-do tank” with more than 85 staff and an annual budget of some $13 million.[8] RMI has spun off five for-profit companies.[12]

You can’t make this up, definitely a spook operative and operation. So this sheds some light on the operation to ban natural gas and force people to electrical appliances which can be more easily tracked, controlled, taxed, and shut off if you’re not being a good slave and doing your part for the climate. And all this green energy technology has been a failure from the outages that have happened all over the country due to adverse weather and load. And the grid is supposed to handle all the new electricity use and electric vehicles when they’re shutting down coal and natural gas plants? No, it’s not intended to, and shortages are the means for increasing prices forcing you to consume even less.

Though it looks like they’re gotten too much backlash and toning down the talk of banning gas stoves, but looking at the CIA Broadcasting System article, look at how they propagandize the story: