Minnesota Will Soon Make Teachers Endorse Child Mutilation To Get A License

A very detailed write up on what is going on in Minnesota with what teachers will have to sign onto in order to get licensed. It’s already a tragedy what school districts teach and have in their libraries, but this will ensure all the teachers are groomers in practice if not desire. But the interesting part and why I’m posting is the reference to Norway in 1942 and how the citizenry resisted the Germans, but I don’t think we can expect that resolve in Minnesota.

To be state licensed in Minnesota starting in 2025, every teacher must personally advocate critical race theory and transgender ideology.

Neither the people nor their elected officials decided the matter. A solitary administrative judge, appointed by the governor, ordered the implementation of the radical licensure changes after merely recommending a few tweaks.

If recourse to the courts should fail, another remedy remains, modeled for the free world in Norway in 1942. When the National Socialists ordered parents to enroll their children in indoctrination camps with just three weeks’ notice and required all school teachers to implement a Nazi curriculum, the people simply would not have it. Five out of every six teachers resigned.

A similar proportion of parents flooded the Norwegian education bureau with letters — literally, laundry baskets full of letters — registering their protests. Adolf Hitler’s henchmen were grossly outnumbered, and the Nazis’ outward control of state agencies never penetrated to the hearts and minds of the people. The fusion of Viking blood with Lutheran “here I stand” courage made otherwise docile Norwegians invincible. Whether the Minnesotans can muster similar resolve soon will become evident to all.
