Green agenda Now Demands Elimination of Natural Gas in Homes Nationwide

[Update] – Biden Administration considering ban on gas stoves.

I could see some industries being behind this effort as it would be a boon for profits selling all these new units along with installation. According to Consumer Reports, there are versions of heat pumps that will work in cold climates with efficiency improving to be almost as economical as natural gas, and Biden has used the Defense Production Act to expand heat pump production. And liberal areas have forced new construction to eliminate natural gas appliances and heating, so this is a very real effort and something they would like to impose nationally. But remember that they also want to control your thermostat and in high demand cut electricity while forcing people to buy electric vehicles. So with the current electric grid failing to keep up in some areas of the country during heat waves, and with charging electric vehicles during the peak time for home heating, how would this supposedly work? Rest assured, as electricity use goes up so will rates as well as control over those that need it.

President Joe Biden in June even authorized the use of the Defense Production Act to “rapidly expand American manufacturing of . . . critical clean energy technologies,” including heat pumps.

Update Sep 24, 2022: California Air Resources Board votes to ban sale of gas heaters and gas water heaters by 2030