FDA Working Against US

Sarsaparilla and sassafras actually have health benefits, so we can’t have people ingesting that in root beer when we’re trying to get them in the medical and pharmaceutical wealth transfer scheme. But we can have all kinds of synthetic sweeteners that cause all types of health issues and cancers, not to mention that all that subsidized GMO corn fructose causes vitamin D deficiency and many health issues. So what the FDA allows isn’t good and what they disallow is good. It’s getting to the point that a good starting point with our corrupt government is to believe the opposite of what they say just like the titles for the legislation they pass represents the opposite of what it does. Moreover, our corrupt government wants to ban vitamins and supplements which work so they can get you on more of the expensive and poorly tested new pharmaceutical products. Pay close attention to those pharmaceutical commercials and all those horrible side effects, how their advertisements affect the coverage of the programs they pay for, and how much money they’re making to afford all those advertisements and pay off government officials.

For many years, brewers would use either the sassafras tree or the sarsaparilla vine to give their root beer its distinctive taste. Although brewers’ mixes differed on occasion, at least one of these ingredients was usually featured in the commercial root beers we know and love. However, according to AllRecipes, that all changed in 1976 when the FDA revealed that the safrole in these two plants could cause cancer. And so, the organization outlawed food products that utilized safrole, sassafras, and sarsaparilla. However, many sources report all is not completely right with the FDA’s decision.

According to AllRecipes, the test that revealed safrole causes cancer was a little (and this is putting it nicely) unconventional. The study involved feeding rats enough root beer to add up to drinking some 32-odd bottles of the soda daily. After consuming this amount of the product, the rats consequently showed signs of liver cancer. To be fair, as ridiculous as this test sounds, AllRecipes notes that, at the very least, the United States isn’t alone in its vendetta against sassafras. The outlet reports that the European Commission on Health also banished the ingredient for the very same reason.
