An excellent explanation of the next event in God’s prophetic timetable we’re eagerly waiting for, the rapture. This is the snatching away of God’s church, His true believers in the world (not a church building, denomination, or organization). For the unbelieving people left in the world this will be a powerful sign and a last chance to be reconciled to God as time will be running out. God’s wrath and judgement will be unleashed in the Great Tribulation period, last half of seven year Tribulation, and many will die quickly in their sins and face eternity removed from God their creator having rejected Him in life. They are going to be horrified at their judgment when they learn that God had given them all the information they would ever need to know in His preserved Word, the Bible, which they rejected along with God’s Son, the Messiah, Jesus (the) Christ.
An interesting point from this second part is after the rapture, Satan will have a plan to have the world celebrate that the Christians holding the world back are finally gone. And the deluded unbelievers will join in the rejoicing and there is the scripture of them celebrating and giving each other presents at the death of the two witnesses in Revelation. I used to think Revelation was a bit harsh, but after living in this wicked world and seeing where it is going, those left in the tribulation will have it coming and be without excuse.