Universal Health Care Ends With The Government Telling You To Kill Yourself

One thing that the plandemic has taught me is that we don’t have health care, but death care. Doctors now answer to their corporate overlords and follow the hospital treatment plans and no longer have autonomy. And how many doctors have come forward to talk about the adverse effects of the highly experimental gene therapies or the hospital protocols that have killed unnecessarily? Not many, and those that did have had their licenses taken, been removed from positions, and often forced to take the gene therapy themselves when they should have known it was dangerous. The entire industry has been corrupted long ago, and the best thing you can do is treat them with skepticism and do your own research on the pharma products they want to prescribe not taking them if you don’t need them (many cover symptoms and don’t treat the issue often resolved with diet and exercise). The wife has a friend that took a prescription she could have easily done without that destroyed an organ forcing a transplant, so now she’s on immunity suppression medication for life, needing new transplants every few years as her immune system still destroys the foreign organ. The propaganda teaches you to blindly trust these white coats, but that will get you harmed or possibly killed (a lot of their treatments are to cut out parts they don’t fully understand – are you kidding me).

After that diversion, we have a nice recap of the Canadian death care system and how they have doctor shortages and long wait times for treatment, but if you can’t get proper care they have medical assistance in suicide, MAID. Last I saw this was the sixth leading cause of death in Canada and they’re wanting to make this available to people with mental disorders (another medical crock mostly – get you on harmful Pharma products), which could open it up to a large segment of the population. And the propaganda to get you to kill yourself is already flowing. The globalist elites are getting you do their work for them by ridding the planet of useless eaters, and their Demonrats and RINOs want to bring this death care system to America.

As a result, federal debt has exploded, inflation has shot to record highs, and Canadians now must wait half a year to see specific physicians, by which point they’re either feeling better already, suffering greatly from lack of treatment, or dead. In this grim situation, reconciling leftist goals of providing no-extra-cost care for all with fiscal reality requires a shocking technocratic solution: eliminating the excess population to relieve them of the suffering inflicted by progressive utopianists. 

This isn’t an over-exaggeration. According to the National Post, the woman in the advertisement, the now-deceased 37-year-old Jennyfer Hatch, “only opted for assisted suicide after her years-long attempts to secure proper health care failed.” For ten years, Jennyfer was bounced from specialist to specialist, and when she could even see one none had a background in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, the genetic but manageable illness from which she suffered.

Before her death, Jennyfer took to Canadian television, saying, “I feel like I’m falling through the cracks, so if I’m not able to access health care, am I then able to access ‘death care?’ And that’s what led me to look into MAID.”

Medically assisted suicide may soon become more prevalent in the United States as prominent members of the Democratic Party are moving ahead with promoting a universal health care morass of their own. If the widespread adoption of assisted suicide in countries with universal government health care is any indication, there’s little doubt the “Medicare for All” plan supported by leftist luminaries like Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, and Elizabeth Warren would soon include “Suicide for All.”

Indeed, medically assisted suicide is a Democrat-supported issue and has been adopted in 10 Democrat states and is being pushed for in more. Should Democrats gain enough votes to pass universal health care in Congress, they’ll have enough votes to approve assisted suicide. 
