The Great Re-Sort: New, National Survey Indicates Political Migration Will Soar – Wirepoints

This is a very interesting article in that is shows citizens are getting pretty unhappy as changing states is quite an ordeal. It took us three trips to buy a house and $2300 for a truck and trailer to make the move, and I’ve heard others that moved out of California say they’ve spent $14,000 with moving companies. And there are a lot of other expenses. Though I wouldn’t get too hopeful as the globalist elites still control the purse strings, the Demonrats, and RINOs; so don’t expect any meaningful change. But if you’re living in the right areas (pun intended), then things will be better and it shows there are a lot of other like minded citizens. We wish we would have moved sooner, but then it worked out perfectly in God’s timing for us.

Far more importantly, over 10% of Republicans and over 9% of Independents say they plan to move in the next year to a region in which they are more politically aligned.

If the net result is accelerating population gains for conservative states, their political power will likewise expand. If just the most recent interstate migration trends continue, without any acceleration, the next Congressional seat allocation in 2030 will mean gains of four House seats for Texas and three for Florida, with losses of 5, 3 and 2 for California, New York and Illinois, respectively, according to Michael Li, an analyst at the Brennan Center.