This is a Disturbing Level of Propaganda

Last I checked an open debate and inclusion of all studies to evidentially determine the truth of what is happening was science, but not for these eugenicists and their prostitute minions when there are billions of dollars in wealth to be transferred from tax paying citizens to themselves (with additional nefarious agendas). And remember the WHO is the group they’re trying to make a treaty with to give away a country’s sovereignty in the guise of dealing with a new plandemic instituting lockdowns, digital ID, vaccine passports…. It’s not going to be nice. The quote is bad enough, but watch the video.

This article does a deep dive on Dr. Peter Hotez and covers a lot of data and even critiques his book denying vaccines caused his daughter’s autism. This is a well reasoned article with a lot of information and worth the time to read in its entirety.