Globalist Investment Giants BlackRock, Vanguard Buying Huge Stakes in Local Utility Companies in Aggressive ‘Green Energy’ Push

Confirmation of what we already know about these firms that control trillions in investments, but this quote below is classic in showing what a scam stocks are for the globalist elite. But lets not forget the trillions in their own foundations mixed in as well. And the laws are really against you for the money you invest in retirement accounts, just look at the limitations you have in accessing your money along with the penalties you have to pay to take it out. And their firms investing your money and taking fees do not treat you well. And eight states have now mandated that businesses must enroll employees in retirement accounts, with eight more states considering it (federal requirement on the horizon). And lets not forget how they create these huge stock bubbles and then if you’re not wise you lose a lot of your money in the crashes, where they’ve already cashed out the gains helped by using your money.

“What these activists have figured out is that any radical policy that they can’t get enacted through government can be advanced through corporate America by hijacking trillions of dollars in voting rights from everyday Americans’ retirement accounts,” noted Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.).