One Hundred Years of Cattle-Tagging

Edward Slavsquat has a great piece below on the history of the passport implemented for WWI, and how that relates to the G20 agreement for vaccine passports including China and Russia. I’ve pointed out in the past how Putin is on board with the globalist elite and the WEF, so you have to look beyond the theater of it to how they are acting on behalf of the new world order with digital ID and vaccine passports.

Regarding who will service and provide these digital IDs and vaccine passports, there seems to be a race. Elon Musk and his handlers have dreams of turning Twitter into the X everything app, being your bank, payments, verification and digital ID; but Google is already adding states drivers licenses to their digital ID system with some eye raising conditions.

According to one user today, the set-up process involves taking pictures of the front and back of your ID, as well as a short selfie video of yourself. Google says a “photo from this video will be submitted to your ID issuer for verification” and then you submit the application.

Meanwhile, digital ID won’t be available if you’re offline for more than 30 consecutive days. This is to keep the digital up to date, with access returning after reconnection.