Here Are The Republicans Who Voted Against Reinstating Troops Who Refused The Vaccine

If we apply some deductive reasoning to the globalist elites using their US Senate assets to deny the military men and women be reinstated who refused to take the experimental gene therapy, we can see that this was always about purging people that resist their propaganda or will refuse to be coerced into following their orders. These mandates were a way to remove people from the military, police departments, federal government, hospitals, corporations… who resist their psyops and won’t go along with what is coming next in The Great Reset. These organizations now stripped of critical thinking people of conscience will not be kind to those that will resist their future plans. And just look how few people came forward in medicine to call out the death shots, adverse effects, and the hospital protocols that caused a lot of unnecessary deaths, especially the use of ventilators that had such a low survival rate. Though there is a positive, numbers have shown few people are taking their new doses of the gene therapy, so have they overplayed their hand and woke up more people?

Four Republican senators joined Democrats in shooting down an amendment to a massive defense authorization package that would have reinstated troops discharged for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed the Senate 83-11 Thursday night, and along with it a provision overturning the Biden administration’s service-wide vaccine requirement. Republican Senators Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Mike Rounds of South Dakota voted no on a last-minute amendment to the bill re-enlisting thousands of troops separated for refusing the vaccine mandate, collapsing the proposal 54 to 40.

“These were direct orders from commanding officers,” Cassidy said in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation, referring to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who announced the vaccine mandate. “I voted to end the COVID vaccine mandate in the military, but it is not Congress’s place to intervene in the chain of command and set a precedent for military personnel to ignore direct orders.”

The Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps have separated at least 8,400 active duty and reserve troops for spurning the Department of Defense’s (DOD) August 2021 requirement that all servicemembers receive the COVID-19 vaccine, according to information the DOD provided to the Daily Caller News Foundation. While the bicameral defense bill released late Tuesday directs the Pentagon to rescind the mandate, it stopped short of requiring the military to restore discharged troops to their prior positions or provide reparations.

We can’t take back the hardship that the military vaccine mandate has inflicted on countless servicemembers. But by adopting this amendment, we can recognize an injustice and take steps to restore those brave men and women who deserve our best.

— Mike Lee (@SenMikeLee) December 15, 2022 

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas reintroduced a portion of the AMERICANS Act, which revoked the Department of Defense’s vaccination mandate, that was left out of the final NDAA text ahead of the vote Thursday.

“It is absolutely unacceptable that the Biden administration is trying to coerce our men and women in uniform to violate their conscience and religious beliefs, let alone on an issue as polarizing as the COVID-19 vaccine. The AMERICANS Act will ensure that these and similar efforts to politicize our military on this issue are blocked,” Cruz said in a statement after introducing the act with his Republican co-sponsors in May.

Defense leaders continue to maintain that ensuring the overall health of individual service members, including by receiving complete doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, is a “readiness issue.” The White House reiterated support for the vaccination mandate on Dec. 5, Fox News reported.

Romney, Collins and Rounds did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.