Catastrophic Contagion – Enterovirus Simulation by John Hopkins and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Something to be aware of as they like to run their simulations before they do the real thing, like with Event 201 which was the Coronavirus simulation run right before the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. Now they’ve run another simulation with this one hitting children especially hard. It could be cover for the gene therapies and VAIDS with a lot of reports of children getting RSV with bad flu outbreaks. Consequently, this has to make you wonder if they’ve weaponized another virus with gain of function research and are prepared to use it for another round of lockdowns, taking away more freedoms, and to finish off the world economies? They have their digital ID, vaccine passports, CBDCs… that they want to unleash on the world to solidify their control as well as their treaty with nations giving up sovereignty to the WHO in order to handle a pandemic.

The virus in this simulation, called the Enterovirus, has a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affects children and young people.

The phenomenon is dubbed SEERS (Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025).

Enteroviruses are any of a group of RNA viruses (including those causing polio and hepatitis A) which typically occur in the gastrointestinal tract, sometimes spreading to the central nervous system or other parts of the body.