How to Tell A False Teacher?

Perhaps the most telling example of a false teacher and subversive element in the church is when they promote unity over doctrine and joining any church not based on the inerrant Bible, the Word from and preserved by God. When they promote unity with liberal theologians and churches that deny the Bible, Jesus’ virgin birth, that Jesus was God in the flesh… denying our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. The whole salvation of God rests on Jesus’ virgin birth and being God which excluded him from our human sin nature, the curse through Adam’s Federal headship. Because Jesus was sinless, He became our substitution, taking our punishment upon Himself so we could be reconciled to God and adopted into the family of God if we recognize our lawlessness, turn from it, and believe; satisfying both God’s righteousness and justice as God can’t let lawlessness in His creation go unpunished. But in His love for us, He made the way for our accounts to be settled and declared righteous, added into the Book of Life to spend eternity with Him. So this unity call over doctrine is the work of Satan and his fallen angels and his human organizations like Freemasonry, to get a foothold in the church and destroy from within. And as real Christians we can not have fellowship with darkness, so run from those that call for unity over doctrine or deny our Lord Christ Jesus.

And I’d say woe to these false teachers as Paul said in James 3:1, “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.” However, God warned us of this time in 2 Timothy 4:3-4, “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” Many of the people in these false churches following these false teachers are not saved and heading to hell, but even still there are some God will snatch out of their midst and get the real message and way of salvation. Moreover, God being outside of time knew who he would save before the foundation of the world.