Commiefornia Releasing Thousands of Pedophiles Early; Thanks Soros Backed Democrats for Keeping Children Safe

They attribute this to Proposition 57, but with the election fraud that has been on display over the last few years I’d doubt this proposition actually passed in 2016. But we do have the L.A. DA backed by George Soros actively involved in releases and early paroles. One of the big reasons my wife finally wanted out of California, as I had suggested we move to a red state years previous contingent on when my time with AT&T would come to an end, and that was when they wanted to teach a multitude of genders and sexual topics to little children in school. California is an evil state run by evil men and women, and children are not safe there. And they have the nerve to present themselves to other states as a sanctuary state for killing babies and genital mutilation for children they help to confuse as well as using a Bible verse in their abortion advertisements in other states. I’d get out of Commiefornia before God’s judgment comes down, because they are mocking God and a danger to God’s precious little ones.

It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin.

Luke 17:2

Former Los Angeles sex crimes prosecutor Samuel Dordulian told he was ‘shocked’ by the statistics and described them as ‘frightening for society’.

‘Statistics clearly show that pedophiles don’t get reformed. They’re going to come out and they’re going to commit again,’ Dordulian said.

‘Letting these people out early, we’re allowing for a lot more victimization. And that’s terrifying.’