Regal Depopulation and Monarchical Control: Queen Máxima of the Netherlands Lobbies G20 for Digital ID

Central Bank Digital Currencies are inbound and linked to vaccine passport identification, social credit score in regards to carbon tracking…. The keywords they’re using a lot now is “stakeholder” and “stack”. The [software] stack comment is interesting because Elon used that in a talk with investors regarding Twitter. Elon has a lot of financial service ideas for Twitter along with verifying all humans, so is Twitter being looked at as the platform for CBDCs and Digital IDs? If memory serves private investors just spent $44 billion to take Twitter private, and as pointed out by James Corbett, Elon Musk is a created operative built up by government money and the megacorp globalist elite media. And credit to Adam Curry of the No Agenda podcast for highlighting the words being used because words do matter. The clip below has the queen using “stack”.