FDA Says Lab-Grown Meat Safe for Human Consumption

Oh yeah, I want that lab grown meat from eugenicist globalist elites Bill Gates and Sir Richard Branson. Of course, The Great Reset is ramping up with rising food prices and mRNA vaccines are being fast tracked for livestock, the real thing is probably going to become a lot less healthy. The time is approaching where you’re going to have to deal with local ranchers to get real quality meat as what you get in grocery stores can come from anywhere in the world and it’s not on the label (beef and pork are exempt from COOL). So far we’ve been enjoying uncured bacon and raw milk from a local ranch near us as there are a lot of local options in SE Wyoming and northern Colorado.

The company grows meat, poultry, and seafood by harvesting the cells from live animals and using them to grow the meat inside a cultivator. The cells are constantly nourished with an “optimized” feed that consists of “common compounds found in animal feed and human food, including amino acids, fatty acids, sugars, trace elements, salts, and vitamins.”

UPSIDE Foods noted that the products they cultivate are not vegan or vegetarian, but are instead “delicious meat, made without the need to raise and slaughter billions of animals.”

“We started UPSIDE amid a world full of skeptics, and today, we’ve made history again as the first company to receive a ‘No Questions’ letter from the FDA for cultivated meat,” Valeti said in a statement on Nov. 16. “This milestone marks a major step towards a new era in meat production, and I’m thrilled that U.S. consumers will soon have the chance to eat delicious meat that’s grown directly from animal cells.”

Noodle bowl with UPSIDE Chicken
