FTX was a Democrat Money Laundering Operation with Wall Street Dark Money & PSYOP-19 “Pandemic” Ties

2nd Smartest Guy in the Room has a very interesting post on the exchange FTX being used as a Democrat money laundering operation. Connections to Blackrock, CIA, WEF, Ukraine war… He also has some great quotes (you can click the read fist link):

I have been warning for a long time now to stay the hell away from all centralized exchanges, and never ever leave your wealth parked with them. If your blockchain assets are not decentralized and not held by you, then you are missing the entire point and purpose of crypto.

However, what is not surprising in the least is that the Democrat party is one giant grifting operation along with their totally illegitimate Federal government waging a full spectrum soft war on We the People.

These people want you broke and dead.
