Whilst You’ve Been Distracted, Governments Have Been Doing This

Excellent post on The Daily Beagle which is chock full of article links to what the technocrats have been up to; digital IDs, CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currency), license plate tracking, access to financial data… If you take it all in you can see the incredible coordination of all these efforts in multiple countries as we move towards the mark of the beast and the ability to limit who can buy and sell as the globalist elites make way for the final antichrist and his one world government.


Included below in case you can’t access the link directly:

Whilst You’ve Been Distracted, Governments Have Been Doing This

It is not remotely surprising

The Underdog

58 min ago

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Whilst you’ve been distracted with the Twitter distract-a-spat, the war in Ukraine, fuel price rises, cost of living whilst crazy people still insist on trying to give you the jab even long after lockdowns have ended, governments across the world have been sneaking in huge amounts of digital surveillance packages.

Despite these mammoth efforts, only one website has extensively covered it so far – Reclaim the Net – and only one Substacker has covered it for Russia specifically – Edward Slavsquat. And when I say mammoth, I mean mammoth.

Internationalist Globalists

The World Bank issued demands that simply tracking people by their ID isn’t enough, they also want access to all their data, running experiments to track Singaporeans purchasing habits.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) shares a room across, demanding Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDCs) be tied to digital ID in order to “push society into to new equilibriums”. Translation: force them to go cashless.

This isn’t speculation, either. The IMF publicly pondered how to force the so-called “hestitant” to go cashless. Now where have I heard the term ‘hestitant’ before, I wonder?

Why? The IMF don’t hide their agenda of pure evil – they want to control what you spend your money on. Duh! The World Economic Forum (WEF) and their corrupt cronies weren’t far behind either, bizarrely demanding that electronic car batteries get digital IDs – likely so they can track where you’re going in an electric vehicle in a way you can’t just simply disable it.

Cashing In On Big Data

MasterCard set up an “Authenicate 2022” event where they wanted to tie their financial purchases to a digital ID, moving in lockstep with the IMF. They weren’t the only ones moving in lockstep, the IMF recently praised India for their mass surveillance ‘Aadhaar’ network. A reminder, this is the same India that would block people’s SIM cards if they didn’t get the poison shot.

Part of India’s wider mass surveillance network includes facial recognition, drones, and automatic number plate recognition systems and insisted the rollout of 5G would aid the mass surveillance efforts.

You’d think India’s arch-rivals Pakistan would sing a different tune. Alas, no, Pakistan allowed people to die from a disaster unless they signed up for a biometric ID system to receive funding, showing how psychopathic the mass surveillance state is. New slogan: you’re not a victim until we register your thumbprint on our system

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Mass Surveillance

In the Asia region, India and Pakistan aren’t the only ones engaging in creepy mass surveillance that needs to be stopped: Japan is as well! Hooray! They’re conducting a horrible experiment tying financial transaction history with digital ID involving that control freaks’ favourite word again: CBDCs (along with Turkey, infamous for their own control freak).

Optional, you say? Alas, no, Japan threatens to pull people’s healthcare if they don’t comply with the dictaks of tyrants and psychopaths. Die for the good of digital ID; remember, you’re not a victim unless there’s a biometric thumbprint on the system. Oh and you won’t be able to drive either, third-class citizen. They’re so thoughtful and psychopathic like that.

Meanwhile South Korea drudges along and has introduced their own digital ID tracking system… based on the blockchain. Mmm, chains. No slavery connotations here, no sireebob. Oh, and China has thoughtfully offered to ‘look after’ your anonymity for you so you can ‘control it’. Uh huh, sure.

Land Of The Three Letter Agencies

America is getting more and more in common with China, as now they have the same Chinese palmprint scanners (typo’d: was scammers) coming to a local food store near you, where ‘mark of the beast’ is a guidance paper, and definitely not a really stupid idea. What do you mean I can’t change my password?

The US State Department has given the intel agencies unrestricted access to the personal data of Americans in complete violation of the Fourth Amendment. Any and all searches are reasonable, apparently.

Bats**t insane Congressman Jim Himes (D) thinks centralised financial control is a great idea and thinks the US should adopt it along with all those palmprint scanners. Old bag boomer Janet Yellen (who I doubt even knows what technology even is), Secretary of the Treasury thinks CBDCs are an idea ‘worth developing’. Along with all those Chinese palmprint scanners and facial recognition, I guess?

Truckdrivers won a lawsuit in Illnois for illegal biometric data collection (how totally surprising), something that does not bother the UK, who are happily hoovering up data on people’s behaviours without consent – couresty of datamining O2 – who I’m pretty sure doesn’t realise it is a illegal because GDPR is still a thing.

Ironfist Rule, Britannia!

Not the only ones hoovering up stuff illegally, the UK police want to use the behavioural data to predict “precrime”. Pretty sure that’s outside their jurisidiction to try to ‘scry’ the future. Yes, because the police force who keep ruling so many murders ‘suicides’ is so effective at dealing with the post crime as-is. How are those knife murder rates in London?

O2 not the only one facing legal repercussions, so is British business Tesco, who face a lawsuit for demanding people download an app in order to enter one of their stores. Yum, digital in-store surveillance. Oxford are using mass surveillance to spy what speed everyone is doing (which I am sure will be enforced entirely fairly with no exceptions), whilst Shropshire council forcefully goes cashless.

Liz Truss’ replacement Rishi Sunak (more on him here) also wants a hit of the CBDC. Quick, cross the border to antagonistic, English-hating Scotland who… are doing the exact same thing and want people’s comments on their digital ID.

Das Ist Gud, Ja

Joining the party is the ever-fun, definitely not-bureaucratic European Union, who not only want biometric data, but they want real-time biometric data. And if you’re feeling like visiting ‘sunny’ Europe, then they also want your fingers. I mean, fingerprint. Missing hands due to the Pfizer shot? I’m sure they can accomodate a forehead barcode or something.

German MEP (Member of the European Parliament) warned the rapid adoption of AI In the EU would lead to mass surveillance. The farmer-hating Dutch government are doing their own thing as well. What’s that? You want even more surveillance? Such a trustworthy government, they will starve you to death and track you whilst doing so.

Maybe it’s all upside-down in the land down under? Alas, no, Australia also want the CBDC mass financial surveillance drag network (are we surprised when they are part of Five Eyes?), but not only your payments, but tying it to your driver’s licence. Hey, wait a minute, isn’t that the same thing Japan are doing?

New South Wales in Ozzie land also is exploring their own biometric IDs, because mandatory poison shots wasn’t enough.

Well, what if one flees to the backwaters of, say, South America? Nope. Brazil want their own mass surveillance ID as well. Time to pack your bags and flee to Russia, they hate the west, right? They wouldn’t adopt any of their globalist policies…

Russian school children being tagged and tracked, mass facial recognition and mandatory military service via facial recognition, and mandatory vaccination for said military service. Remember folks: service guarantees vaccination: do you want to know more?

Hey, wait a minute that isn’t what they said in Starship troopers…

Do your part! Get vaccinated! Have a seizure! Die! Service guarantees vaccination!

Note: The real culprits behind the lab leaks isn’t who you’re thinking of or the reasons why.