More Political Theater, Meet Tulsi Gabbard

Former congress critter and one time Democrat presidential candidate is in the megacorp news a lot these days. She once aligned herself with the unholy Democratic Party Platform, so there’s that, but she did go against the military industrial complex and speak out about our globalist elite military adventures being a former service member. Worth pointing out, one of your first duties in congress is to saddle up to special interests to get the money to buy your committee seat from the party, so they make you corrupt yourself from day one (if you weren’t already). But an interesting thing most people might not know is that Tulsi was on the Council of Foreign Relations for a period, where the globalist elite groom their operatives. So it would appear they’re building her brand and name recognition further for a future assignment appealing to conservatives, so don’t get lured into thinking she’s someone to get behind. So with this background you can enjoy the show as we see what’s next for Tulsi Gabbard.