How Cancer Deaths From the Covid Jabs Are Being Hidden

As cited in the article below the rise in cancers was showing up in military health data until they stepped in and altered the data, which I will add was during the time they were enforcing the gene therapy mandate on our troops and not granting waivers. The really disturbing conclusion is this points to knowledge of the adverse cancer effects and a premeditation to conceal that data all during a time when they were raking in billions and in effect bribing their government agents (see RFK Jr’s book for detailed account of pharma corruption). This is a criminal conspiracy and proof that our government has been thoroughly compromised. So keep this in mind when they’re encouraging you to take the new booster and the flu vaccine.


  • Analysis of U.S. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) data suggests the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been filtering and redesignating cancer deaths as COVID deaths since April 2021 to eliminate the cancer signal
  • The signal is being hidden by swapping the underlying cause of death with main cause of death
  • Uncontrollable turbo-charged cancers the medical establishment had never seen before only started to occur after the rollout of the COVID jabs
  • Before it was manipulated to eliminate the safety signal, data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) showed cancer rates among military personnel and their families tripled after the rollout of the shots
  • After the rollout of the COVID jabs in 2021, cancer patients have gotten younger, with the largest increase occurring among 30- to 50-year-olds, tumor sizes are dramatically larger, multiple tumors in multiple organs are becoming more common, and recurrence and metastasis are increasing