Gates Foundation gives $200 million to help establish global digital ID system of surveillance

The technocratic globalist elite might not have gotten their digital ID system fully in place with vaccine passports and their plandemic, but they’re far from done.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently pledged $1.27 billion toward the United Nations’ openly pro-abortion 2030 Agenda goals, with $200 million going directly to aid in the creation of an invasive global digital ID system.

According to a September 21 press release published on the Gates Foundation’s website, the $200 million package will be used to create an infrastructure that “encompasses tools such as interoperable payment systems, digital ID, data-sharing systems, and civil registry databases” that purports to make countries “more resilient to crises such as food shortages, public health threats, and climate change, as well as to aid in pandemic and economic recovery.”

The 2030 Agenda was adopted by the UN in 2015 and establishes a set of 17 goals that are rooted in Marxist theory. These goals, set to be achieved by 2030, aim to control the population through abortion and contraception, reduce fossil fuel consumption supposedly for the sake of the climate, and instigate a global ID system in which people’s every move will be tracked and monitored.

And this story of Canada in contract with the WEF for a digital ID system trial for travelers.

The Liberal government has admitted in writing that they have an ongoing $105.3 million contract with the World Economic Forum to introduce digital identities for travel to Canada.

The Defender has a detailed article up on the digital ID schemes and background of ID2020, along with Bill Gates involvement with digital biometric ID systems in India. Along with analysis on how bad these systems will be for privacy and freedom.

For instance, on his personal blog, Gates praised Aadhaar, a national digital identification card system launched in 2009, which today is the world’s largest biometric identification system.

Gates described Aadhaar as “a valuable platform for delivering social welfare programs and other government services” — and Nandan Nilekani, who developed the Aadhaar system and now works with the World Bank Group to help other countries develop similar schemes.

The Aadhaar identification number was linked with numerous public and private services, including the opening of bank accounts, verification of electoral identity, filing income tax returns, making digital payments, receiving government pensions, subsidies and welfare payments and registration of mobile SIM cards.

Aadhaar generated controversy in India over the government’s plans to link it to the national voter database, and the alleged coercion of HIV patients to submit their Aadhaar numbers, leading them to drop out of treatment programs due to privacy concerns.

And Doug Casey has a nice write up on what might follow after the economic collapse. Nations building gold reserves for a financial system reset has been going on for years, and there were always predictions of the IMF SDR’s taking over the dollar’s reserve status with the backing of gold determining your nation’s seat at the table. But the CBDCs are a newer wrinkle with the success of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. CBDCs replacing cash figure into the digital ID system with complete tracking of purchases and expenses with a perfect fit into a social credit score with consequences for undesirable behavior.

The way I see it, there are three possible outcomes.

Outcome #1: Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR) replacing the US dollar as the world’s new reserve currency. This is the elites’ preferred outcome.

Outcome #2: A reluctant re-monetization of gold. Central bankers don’t want to go back to gold, but they will have no choice if their fiat system collapses, forcing their hands.

Outcome #3: Bitcoin is the wild card. A Bitcoin standard could spontaneously emerge regardless of what the elite want. Bitcoin is an entirely new asset people are adopting as money because of its superior monetary properties, notably its total resistance to inflation.