A Wonderful Example of Political Theater – Italy’s New Conservative Leader?

The globalist elites always manipulate all sides of politics so you have the false sense of choice. If any politician rises up they don’t control, they will use all their megacorp properties and NGO’s to destroy them mercilessly. So when the population wants to rise up against the elites and their one world government technocratic plans they provide a candidate that says all the right things, but really won’t change anything in the long term. Eventually, that candidate will betray their voters and do what there masters want just like all the other prostitute politicians (Trump is an outlier as he is an elite in on the show with his daughter a WEF Young Global Leader). Consequently, the RAIR Foundation has a nice write up on Giorgia Meloni’s connections to the globalist elites and some peculiar positions she’s held showing that she’s just another actor in the theater of politics fooling the Italians into thinking they have a voice representing their values. But this does show that people are rebelling against the globalist elites and the vote wasn’t close enough to steal, and that ratcheting up authoritarian control is more important than ever. And I will highlight the threat the EU has made against Italy going against the elites below if you read between the lines.

Last February, she joined the Aspen Institute, an American think tank funded by powerful globalist clubs such as the Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Ford Foundation.

Billionaire George Soros’ network is also involved. Between 2003 and 2020, organizations linked to Soros transferred more than $3 billion to the Aspen Institute. Among other things, it was meant to support the promotion of pro-abortion groups. This is confusing since Meloni appears publicly to defend Christian values ​​and is against abortion.

There are also many parallels between the World Economic Forum and the Aspen Institute. After all, the head of the organization, Walter Isaacson, is also a WEF “Agenda Contributor.” In addition, many other people in the Aspen network are also in the WEF & Soros orbit.

Both groups rely on training programs to groom their globalist soldiers. For example, Klaus Schwab, the WEF leader, relies on his “Young Global Leaders” program (Young World Leaders), and the “Aspen Institute” has its “Rising Leaders” camp (Aspiring Leaders). In 2019 alone, around 8.4 million US dollars flowed into the Aspen Institutes’ “Global Leadership” network.

Meloni wants to position herself as a reliable partner for the NATO allies. However, a threat from the EU makes one sit up and notice. Because if Italy develops in the direction of the conservative government in Hungary, European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen threatened they have “tools” to bring Italy into line.
